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05 | "Electronics and Communications in Japan (Part 3: Low-Power Circuit Design Techniques for Multimedia CMOS VLSIs)," Sep. 1998. |
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04 | "低消費電力, 高速LSI技術," ISBN 978-4-89808-004-7, リアライズ社, 1998. |
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03 | "Low-Power CMOS Design (pp. 61-65: Low-Voltage Technologies and Circuits)," ISBN 978-0-7803-3429-8, IEEE Press, 1997. |
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02 | "低電力LSIの技術白書," ISBN 978-4-8222-1310-7, 日経BP社, 1994. |
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01 | "カスタムIC設計技術," ISBN 978-4-7952-6309-3, 総研出版, 1986. |
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