Publication 発表


528 T.Takagi, T.Ninomiya, M.Niwa, S.Obara, T. Momose, Y.Shimogaki, M.Nomura, H.Fujioka, M.Mori, and T.Kuroda,
"High thermal conductivity AlN films for advanced 3D Chiplets,"
VLSI Symposium 2024, Technical Session, 2024.6.18
527 R. Sumikawa, A. Kosuge, Y. C. Hsu, K. Shiba, M. Hamada, T. Kuroda "A183.4-nJ/inference 152.8-μW 35-Voice Commands Recognition Wired-Logic Processor Using Algorithm-Circuit Co-Optimization Technique," in IEEE Solid-State Circuits Letters, vol. 7, pp. 22-25, 2024. pdf
526 A. Kosuge, Y. -C. Hsu, R. Sumikawa, M. Hamada, T. Kuroda and T. Ishikawa, "A 10.7-µJ/Frame 88% Accuracy CIFAR-10 Single-Chip Neuromorphic Field-Programmable Gate Array Processor Featuring Various Nonlinear Functions of Dendrites in the Human Cerebrum," in IEEE Micro, vol. 43, no. 6, pp. 19-27, Nov.-Dec. 2023. pdf
525 E. Kobayashi, A. Kosuge, M. Hamada,T. Kuroda,
"An Occlusion-Resilient mmWave Imaging Radar-Based Object Recognition System Using Synthetic Training Data Generation Technique,"
IECON 2023 – 49th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Oct 2023.
524 K. Shiba, M. Okada, A. Kosuge, M. Hamada, T. Kuroda,
"Polyomino: A 3D-SRAM-Centric Accelerator for Randomly Pruned Matrix Multiplication With Simple Reordering Algorithm and Efficient Compression Format in 180-nm CMOS,"
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, vol. 70, no. 9, pp. 3440-3450, Sep. 2023.
523 K. Shiba, A. Kosuge, M. Hamada, and T. Kuroda,
"Crosstalk Analysis and Countermeasures of High-Bandwidth 3D-Stacked Memory Using Multi-Hop Inductive Coupling Interface,"
IEICE Transactions on Electronics, vol. E106-C, no. 7, pp. 391-394, July 2023.
522 K. Shiba, M. Okada, A. Kosuge, M. Hamada, and T. Kuroda,
"A 7-nm FinFET 1.2-TB/s/mm2 3D-Stacked SRAM Module With 0.7-pJ/b Inductive Coupling Interface Using Over-SRAM Coil and Manchester-Encoded Synchronous Transceiver,"
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits (JSSC), vol. 58, no. 7, pp. 2075-2086, July 2023.
521 X. Wang, A. Kosuge, Y. Hayashi, K. Shiba, M. Hamada, and T. Kuroda,
"Analysis and Design of a 7 Gb/s Rotatable Non-contact Connector with Grid Array Package Application,"
IEEE International New Circuits and Systems Conference (NEWCAS), June 2023.
520 A. Kosuge, L. Yu, M.Hamada, K. Matsuo, and T. Kuroda,
"A Deep Metric Learning-Based Anomaly Detection System for Transparent Objects Using Polarized-Image Fusion,"
IEEE Open Journal of the Industrial Electronics Society, vol. 4, pp. 205-213, June 2023.
519 A. Kosuge, R. Sumikawa, Y. -C. Hsu, K. Shiba, M. Hamada, and T. Kuroda,
"A 183.4nJ/inference 152.8uW Single-Chip Fully Synthesizable Wired-Logic DNN Processor for Always-On 35 Voice Commands Recognition Application,"
IEEE Symposium on VLSI Circuits, June 2023.
518 N. Shimamoto, A. Mizushima, D. Bourrier, E. Ota, A. Higo, H. Granier, A. Kosuge, M. Ikeda, T. Kuroda, and Y. Mita,
"Micron-to-Submicron Cu electroplating in view of Agile-X LSI Chips Fabrication using Open Facility,"
The 3rd European Symposium on Nanofabrication Research Infrastructure(ENRIS 2023),May 2023.
517 D. Li, Y. Hsu, R. Sumikawa, A. Kosuge, M. Hamada, and T. Kuroda,
"A 0.13mJ/Prediction CIFAR-100 Raster-Scan-Based Wired-Logic Processor Using Non-Linear Neural Network,"
IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), May 2023.
516 K. Shiba, M. Okada, A. Kosuge, M. Hamada, and T. Kuroda,
“A 12.8-Gb/s 0.5-pJ/b Encoding-Less Inductive Coupling Interface Achieving 111-GB/s/W 3D-Stacked SRAM in 7-nm FinFET,”
IEEE Solid-State Circuits Letters (SSC-L), vol. 6, pp. 65-68, 2023.
515 A. Kosuge,
"Energy-efficient Neuromorphic Processor for In-Sensor Computing,"
Japan India Joint Research Hub Workshop on Trusted Cyber Physical Cognitive System, Feb. 2023.
514 Y.-C. Hsu, A. Kosuge,R. Sumikawa, K. Shiba, M. Hamada, and T. Kuroda,
"A Fully Synthesized 13.7μJ/prediction 88% Accuracy CIFAR-10 Single-Chip Data-Reusing Wired-Logic Processor Using Non-Linear Neural Network,"
28th Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC'23), pp.182-183, Jan. 2023.
513 R. Sumikawa, K. Shiba, A. Kosuge, M. Hamada, and T. Kuroda,
"A 1.2nJ/Classification Fully Synthesized All-Digital Asynchronous Wired-Logic
Processor Using Quantized Non-linear Function Blocks in 0.18μm CMOS,"
28th Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC'23), pp.180-181, Jan. 2023.
512 R. Sumikawa, K. Shiba, A. Kosuge, M. Hamada, and T. Kuroda,
"1.2 nJ/classification 2.4 mm² asynchronous wired-logic DNN processor using synthesized nonlinear function blocks in 0.18 μm CMOS,"
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics (JJAP), vol. 62, no. SC, pp. SC1019, Jan. 2023.
511 S. Shibata, R. Miura, Y. Sawabe, K. Shiba, A. Kosuge, M. Hamada, and T. Kuroda,
"A 5-GHz 0.15-mm² Collision-Avoiding RFID Employing Complementary Pass-Transistor Adiabatic Logic With an Inductively Connected External Antenna in 0.18-μm CMOS,"
IEEE Solid-State Circuits Letters (SSC-L), vol. 5, pp. 268-271, Nov. 2022.
510 K. Shiba, M. Okada, A. Kosuge, M. Hamada, and T. Kuroda,
"A 12.8-Gbps 0.5-pJ/b Encoding-less Inductive Coupling Interface Using Clocked Hysteresis Comparator for 3D-Stacked SRAM in 7-nm FinFET,"
IEEE Asian Solid-State Circuits Conference (A-SSCC), Nov. 2022.
509 A. Kosuge and T. Kuroda,
"Proximity Wireless Communication Technologies: An Overview and Design Guidelines,"
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers (TCAS-I), vol. 69, no. 11, pp. 4317-4330, Nov. 2022.
508 H. Meng, K. Wakabayashi, and T. Kuroda,
"A Scalable Linear Equation Solver FPGA using High-Level Synthesis,"
The 24th Workshop on Synthesis And System Integration of Mixed Information technologies (SASIMI2022), Oct. 2022.
507 S. Shibata, Y. Sawabe, K. Shiba, A. Kosuge, M. Hamada, and T. Kuroda,
"A Low-power RFID with 100kbps Data Rate Employing High-speed Power Clock Generator for Complementary Pass-transistor Adiabatic Logic,"
29th IEEE International Conference on Electronics Circuits and Systems (ICECS 2022), Oct. 2022.
506 X. Wang, A. Kosuge, Y. Hayashi, M. Hamada, T. Kuroda,
"A 7 Gb/s Micro Rotatable Transmission Line Coupler with Deep Proximity Coupling Mode and Ground Shielding Vias,"
29th IEEE International Conference on Electronics Circuits and Systems (ICECS 2022), Oct. 2022.
505 黒田忠広,
“今が最大で最後のチャンス 覚悟を決めた 日本の半導体戦略【西川和見】【黒田忠広】,"
『公研』2022年9月号「対話」, Sep. 2022.
504 X. Wang, A. Kosuge, Y. Hayashi, M. Hamada, T. Kuroda,
"A 12.5 Gb/s 1.1 pJ/b Rotatable Transmission Line Coupler Using Deep-Proximity Coupling Mode and Ground-Shield Vias,"
2022年電子情報通信学会(IEICE)ソサイエティ大会, Sep. 2022.
503 A. Kosuge,
"Computational Sensing Technologies,"
Department Seminar at Princeton University, Sep. 2022.
502 R. Sumikawa, K. Shiba, A. Kosuge, M. Hamada, and T. Kuroda,
"A 1.2nJ/Classification 2.4mm2 Wired-Logic Neuron Cell Array Using Logically Compressed Non-Linear Function Blocks in 0.18um CMOS,"
JSAP International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials (SSDM'22), Extended Abstracts, pp. 750-751, Sep. 2022.
501 T. Kuroda,
"Turning 3D Memory on Its Head - How to Build an SRAM Cube to Replace High-Bandwidth Memory (HBM),"
Department Seminar at Princeton University, Sep. 2022.
500 S. Shibata, R. Miura, Y. Sawabe, K. Shiba, A. Kosuge, M. Hamada, and T. Kuroda,
"A 5-GHz 0.15-mm2 Collision Avoidable RFID Employing Complementary Pass-transistor Adiabatic Logic with an Inductively Connected External Antenna (invited),"
IEEE 48th European Solid-State Circuits Conference (ESSCIRC 2022), Sep. 2022.
499 柴康太, 小菅敦丈, 濱田基嗣, 黒田忠広,
エレクトロニクス実装学会誌, vol. 25, no. 6, pp. 549-555, Sep. 2022.
498 K. Shiba, M. Okada, A. Kosuge, M. Hamada, and T. Kuroda,
"A 7-nm FinFET 1.2-TB/s/mm2 3D-Stacked SRAM with an Inductive Coupling Interface Using Over-SRAM Coils and Manchester-Encoded Synchronous Transceivers,"
IEEE Hot Chips 34 Symposium (HCS), Aug. 2022.
497 Y.-C. Hsu, A. Kosuge, R. Sumikawa, K. Shiba, M. Hamada, and T. Kuroda,
"A 13.7µJ/prediction 88% Accuracy CIFAR-10 Single-Chip Wired-logic Processor in 16-nm FPGA Using Non-Linear Neural Network,"
IEEE Hot Chips 34 Symposium (HCS), Aug. 2022.
496 L. Yu, A. Kosuge, M. Hamada, and T. Kuroda,
"An Anomaly Detection System for Transparent Objects Using Polarized-Image Fusion Technique,"
2022 IEEE Sensors Applications Symposium (SAS), Aug. 2022.
495 小林英太郎, 小菅敦丈, 末廣知士, 濱田基嗣, 黒田忠広,
第25回 画像の認識・理解シンポジウム, July 2022.
494 L. Yu, A. Kosuge, M. Hamada, and T. Kuroda,
"Polarized-Image Fusion Based Anomaly Detection System for Food Industry Applications,"
The 25th Meeting on Image Recognition and Understanding, July 2022.
493 K. Shiba, M. Okada, A. Kosuge, M. Hamada, and T. Kuroda,
“Polyomino: A 3D-SRAM-Centric Architecture for Randomly Pruned Matrix Multiplication with Simple Rearrangement Algorithm and x0.37 Compression Format,”
IEEE International New Circuits and Systems Conference (NEWCAS), June 2022.
492 K. Shiba, T. Omori, K. Ueyoshi, S. Takamaeda-Yamazaki, M. Motomura, M. Hamada, and T. Kuroda,
“A 96-MB 3D-Stacked SRAM Using Inductive Coupling with 0.4-V Transmitter, Termination Scheme and 12:1 SerDes in 40-nm CMOS,”
IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), May 2022.
491 A. Kosuge, S. Suehiro, M. Hamada and T. Kuroda,
"mmWave-YOLO: A mmWave Imaging Radar-Based Real-Time Multiclass Object Recognition System for ADAS Applications,"
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol. 71, pp. 1-10, May 2022.
490 A. Kosuge, M. Hamada, and T. Kuroda
"A 6.5Gb/s Shared Bus Using Electromagnetic Connectors for Downsizing and Lightening Satellite Processor System,"
IEICE Trans. on Fundamentals of Electronics, Vol. E105-A, no. 3, pp. 478-486, Mar. 2022.
489 R. Miura, S. Shibata, M.Usui, K. Shiba, A. Kosuge, M. Hamada and T. Kuroda,
"A bonding-less 5-GHz RFID module using inductive coupling between IC and antenna,"
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics (JJAP), vol. 61, no. SC, pp. SC1058, Feb. 2022.
488 A. Kosuge, M. Hamada, and T. Kuroda,
"A 6-Gb/s Inductively-Powered Non-Contact Connector With Rotatable Transmission Line Coupler and Interface Bridge IC,"
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits (JSSC), vol. 57, no. 2, pp. 535-545, Feb. 2022.
487 A. Kosuge, Y. -C. Hsu, M. Hamada, and T. Kuroda,
"A 0.61-µJ/Frame Pipelined Wired-logic DNN Processor in 16-nm FPGA Using ConvolutionalNon-Linear Neural Network,"
IEEE Open Journal of Circuits and Systems (OJCAS), vol. 3, pp. 4-14, Jan. 2022.
486 R. Miura, S. Shibata, M. Usui, A. Kosuge, M. Hamada, and T. Kuroda,
“A 5.2GHz RFID Chip Contactlessly Mountable on FPC at Any 90-Degree Rotation and Face Orientation,”
27th Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC'22), pp. 5-6, Jan. 2022.
485 T. Omori, K. Shiba, A. Kosuge, M. Hamada, and T. Kuroda,
“A Physical Verification Methodology for 3D-ICs Using Inductive Coupling,”
IEEE Electrical Design of Advanced Packaging and Systems(EDAPS), pp. 72-74, Dec. 2021.
484 A. Kosuge, M. Hamada, and T. Kuroda,
"A 16nJ/Classification FPGA-based Wired-Logic DNN Accelerator Using Fixed-Weight Non-Linear Neural Net,"
IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems (JETCAS), vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 751-761, Dec. 2021.
483 S. Shibata, R. Miura, Y. Sawabe, K. Shiba, A. Kosuge, M. Hamada, and T. Kuroda,
"A 5-GHz 0.15-mm2 Collision Avoidable RFID Employing Complementary Pass-transistor Adiabatic Logic with an Inductively Connected External Antenna,"
IEEE Asian Solid-State Circuits Conference (A-SSCC'21), Nov. 2021.
482 黒田忠広,
“半導体戦略 ~先々の先を撃つ~,”
學士會会報, no. 951, pp. 50-55, Nov. 2021.
481 T. Kuroda,
“Semiconductor Strategy and 3D Integration (invited),”
JSAP Advanced Metallization Conference 2021 (ADMETAplus2021),
Extended Abstracts, pp. 61-62, Oct. 2021.
480 K. Shiba, T. Omori, M. Hamada, and T. Kuroda,
“Area-Efficient Multi-Hop Inductive Coupling Interface for 3D-Stacked Memory with 0.23-V Transmitter and Sub-10-µm Coil Design,”
IEEE European Solid-State Circuits Conference (ESSCIRC), Sep. 2021.
479 R. Miura, S. Shibata, M. Usui, K. Shiba, A. Kosuge, M. Hamada, and T. Kuroda,
"A Bonding-less 5-GHz RFID Module Using a 300um x 500um IC Chip,"
JSAP International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials (SSDM'21), Extended Abstracts, pp. 686-687, Sep. 2021.
478 孟浩鵬, 若林一敏, 黒田忠広,
情報処理学会 DAシンポジウム2021論文集, pp. 46-51, Aug. 2021.
477 S. Morinaga, T. Ishikawa, M. Yasui, M. Hamada, and T. Kuroda,
"CA2 Area Detection from Hippocampal Microscope Images Using Deep Learning,"
IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems,
pp. 603-606, Aug. 2021.
476 K. Shiba, T. Omori, K. Ueyoshi, S. Takamaeda-Yamazaki, M. Motomura, M. Hamada, and T. Kuroda,
“A 96-MB 3D-Stacked SRAM Using Inductive Coupling With 0.4-V Transmitter, Termination Scheme and 12:1 SerDes in 40-nm CMOS,”
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-I: Regular Papers (TCAS-I), vol. 68, no. 2, pp. 692-703, Feb. 2021.
475 E. Charlot, M. Hamada, and T. Kuroda,
"An on-chip antenna with an area of 0.9 square millimeters for RFID applications in the 5.8 GHz – 24 GHz range",
IEICE 2020 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (ISAP), pp. 41-42, Jan. 2021.
474 T. Omori, K. Shiba, M. Hamada, and T. Kuroda,
“Sub-10-µm Coil Design for Multi-Hop Inductive Coupling Interface,”
26th Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC), pp. 99-100, Jan. 2021.
473 K. Shiba, T. Omori, M. Hamada, and T. Kuroda,
“A 3D-Stacked SRAM Using Inductive Coupling Technology for AI Inference Accelerator in 40-nm CMOS,”
26th Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC), pp. 97-98, Jan. 2021.
472 Y. Toyoda, M. Hamada, and T. Kuroda,
“Communication Distance Enhancement of Transmission Line Coupler by Using Parallelized Driver ICs,”
IEEE Electrical Design of Advanced Packaging and Systems (EDAPS), Dec. 2020.
471 K. Shiba, T. Omori, M. Okada, M. Hamada, and T. Kuroda,
“Crosstalk Analysis and Countermeasures of High-Density Multi-Hop Inductive Coupling Interface for 3D-Stacked Memory,”
IEEE Electrical Design of Advanced Packaging and Systems (EDAPS), Dec. 2020.
470 K. Ando, K. Shiba, K. Akatsuka, C. Cheng, T. Arakawa, M. Hamada, T.Kuroda,
"A 50 Mbps/pin 12-input/output 40 nsec Latency Wireless Connector Using a Transmission Line Coupler with Compact SERDES IC in 180 nm CMOS,"
IEEE Conference on Electronics Circuits and Systems(ICECS), Nov. 2020.
469 R. Miura, T. Kuroda, and M. Hamada,
“A Transmission Line Coupler Component for direct B2B communications,”
IEEE 29th Conference on Electrical Performance of Electronic Packaging and Systems (EPEPS), Oct. 2020.
468 M. Usui, K. Shiba, M. Hamada, and T. Kuroda,
“3D Integration of Ka-band RFIC by Inductive Inter-chip Wireless Communication Using Figure-8 Coils,”
IEEE 29th Conference on Electrical Performance of Electronic Packaging and Systems (EPEPS), Oct. 2020.
467 K. Shiba, T. Omori, K. Ueyoshi, K. Ando, K. Hirose, S. Takamaeda-Yamazaki, M. Motomura, M. Hamada, and T. Kuroda,
“A 3D-Stacked SRAM Using Inductive Coupling with Low-Voltage Transmitter and 12:1 SerDes,”
IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), Oct. 2020.
466 K. Shiba, T. Omori, M. Usui, M. Hamada, and T. Kuroda,
“Area-Efficient Multihop Inductive Coupling Interface for 3D-Stacked Memory With 0.23-V Transmitter and Sub-10-µm Coil Design,”
IEEE Solid-State Circuits Letters (SSC-L), vol. 3, pp. 370-373, 2020.
465 T. Kuroda,
“Circuit and Package Co-design for 3D Integration (invited),”
JSAP International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials
, Extended Abstracts, pp. 63-64, Sep. 2020.
464 K. Shiba, C. Cheng, M. Hamada, and T. Kuroda,
"2.5D integration using inductive-coupling TSV-less miniature interposer achieving 317 Gb/s/mm2, 1.2 pJ/b data-transfer,"
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics (JJAP), vol. 59, no. SG, pp. SGGL06, Apr. 2020.
463 K. Shiba, M. Hamada, and T. Kuroda,
"3D system-on-a-chip design with through-silicon-via-less power supply using highly doped silicon via,"
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics (JJAP), vol. 59, no. SG, pp. SGGL04, Apr. 2020.
462 T. Tanaka, K. Tabuchi, K. Tatehora, Y. Shiiki, S. Nakagawa, T. Takahashi, R. Shimizu, H. Ishikuro, T. Kuroda, T. Yanagida, and K. Uchida,
"Low-Power and ppm-Level Multimolecule Detection by Integration of Self-Heated Metal Nanosheet Sensors,"
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, vol. 66, no. 12, pp. 5393-5398, Dec. 2019.
461 H. Ojima, S. Morinaga, T. Ishikawa, M. Yasui, S. Akizuki, M. Hamada, and T. Kuroda,
"CA2 area detection from hippocampal microscope images using deep learning,"
Neuroscience 2019, Oct. 2019.
460 C. Cheng, K. Shiba, M. Hamada, and T. Kuroda,
"2.5D Integration Using Inductive-Coupling TSV-less Miniature Interposer Achieving 317Gb/s/mm2, 1.2pJ/b Data Transfer,"
JSAP International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials (SSDM'19), Extended Abstracts, pp. 517-518, Sep. 2019.
459 K. Shiba, M. Hamada, and T. Kuroda,
"3D SoC Design with TSV-less Power Supply Employing Highly Doped Silicon Via,"
JSAP International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials (SSDM'19), Extended Abstracts, pp. 515-516, Sep. 2019.
458 森永祥平, 尾嶋弘貴, 石川智愛, 安井正人, 秋月秀一, 濱田基嗣, 黒田 忠広,
Neuro2019, July 2019.
457 M. Hamada, and T. Kuroda,
"Transmission Line Coupler: High-Speed Interface for Non-Contact Connecter,"
IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Electronics, vol.E102-C, No.7, pp.501-508, July 2019.
456 T. Tanaka, K. Tabuchi, K. Tatehora, Y. Shiiki, S. Nakagawa, T. Takahashi, R. Shimizu, H. Ishikuro, T. Kuroda, T. Yanagida, and K. Uchida,
"Low-Power and ppm-Level Detection of Gas Molecules by Integrated Metal Nanosheets,"
IEEE Symposium on VLSI Circuits, Dig. Tech. Papers, pp. T158-T159, June 2019.
455 T. Arakawa, J. Sone, M. Okada, M. Hamada, and T. Kuroda,
"Live Demonstration: A Non-Contact Transmission Line Connector for USB3.1 HD-Video Streaming,"
IEEE International Symposium on Circuits & Systems, May 2019.
454 T. Kuroda,
"3D System Integration in a Package for Artificial Intelligence,"
IEEE Electron Devices Technology and Manufacturing (EDTM’19),
Proc. Tech. Papers, Mar. 2019.
453 K. Ueyoshi , K. Ando , K. Hirose, S. Takamaeda-Yamazaki, M. Hamada, T. Kuroda, and M. Motomura,
"QUEST: Multi-Purpose Log-Quantized DNN Inference Engine Stacked on 96-MB 3D SRAM Using Inductive Coupling Technology in 40-nm CMOS,"
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits (JSSC), vol. 54, no. 1, pp. 186-196, Jan. 2019.
452 R. Shimizu, K. Asako, H. Ojima, S. Morinaga, M. Hamada, and T. Kuroda,
"Balanced Mini-batch Training for Imbalanced Image Data Classification with Neural Network,"
First IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence for Industries (ai4i 2018), Proceedings, pp. 27-30, Sep. 2018.
451 S. Yanagawa, R. Shimizu, M. Hamada and T. Kuroda,
"Wireless Power Transfer System for 3-D stacked Multiple Receivers Switching between Single and Dual Frequency Modes,"
IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, pp. 1046-1049, Aug. 2018.
450 T. Maruyama, M. Hamada, and T. Kuroda,
"Comparative Performance Analysis of Dual-Rail Domino Logic and CMOS Logic Under Near-Threshold Operation,"
IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, pp. 25-28, Aug. 2018.
449 S. Yanagawa, R. Shimizu, M. Hamada, T. Shimizu, and T. Kuroda,
"Optimization of Resonant Capacitance in Wireless Power Transfer System with 3-D Stacked Two Receivers,"
IEICE Trans. on Electronics, vol. E101-C, no. 7, pp. 488-492, July 2018.
448 T. Fujimaki, Y. Toeda, M. Hamada, and T. Kuroda,
"An Electrically Small On-Chip Antenna Scaled down to One-Twentyfifth by One-Fiftieth of Wavelength,"
2018 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting, Proceedings, July 2018.
447 Y. Toeda, T. Fujimaki, M. Hamada, and T. Kuroda,
"Fully integrated OOK-powered pad-less deep sub-wavelength-sized 5-GHz RFID with on-chip antenna using adiabatic logic in 0.18μm CMOS,"
IEEE Symposium on VLSI Circuits, Dig. Tech. Papers, pp. C27-C28, June 2018.
446 S. Yanagawa, R. Shimizu, M. Hamada, T. Shimizu, and T. Kuroda,
"Design Methodology in Wireless Power Transfer System for 3-D Stacked Multiple Receivers,"
IEEE International Symposium on Circuits & Systems, May 2018.
445 K. Ando, K. Ueyoshi, K. Orimo, H. Yonekawa, S. Sato, H. Nakahara, S.
Takamaeda-Yamazaki, M. Ikebe, T. Asai, T. Kuroda, and M. Motomura,
"BRein Memory: A Single-Chip Binary/Ternary Reconfigurable in-Memory Deep
Neural Network Accelerator Achieving 1.4 TOPS at 0.6 W,"
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits (JSSC), vol. 53, no. 4, pp. 983-994, Apr.
444 J. Sakata, M. Taguchi, S. Sasaki, T. Kuroda and K. Toda,
"An EMI-less full-bridge inverter for high speed SiC switching devices,"
2018 IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC), pp. 2570-2576, Mar. 2018.
443 板倉洋, 大和田哲, 山田浩利, 吉子尚志, 市川愉, 原口雅嗣, 黒田忠広,
電子情報通信学会総合大会, Mar. 2018.
442 程超然, 宮田知輝, 門本淳一郎, 天野英晴, 黒田忠広,
"ThruChip Interfaceを用いたバスにおける衝突検知,"
情報処理学会 全国大会, Mar. 2018.
441 柴康太, 宮田知輝, 門本淳一郎, 天野英晴, 黒田忠広,
"ThruChip Interfaceの設計自動化,"
情報処理学会 全国大会, Mar. 2018.
440 松下悠亮, 小島拓也, 門本淳一郎, 黒田忠広, 天野英晴,
情報処理学会 全国大会, Mar. 2018.
439 門本淳一郎, 宮田知輝, 天野英晴, 黒田忠広,
"ThruChip Interfaceを用いたコア間ネットワーク,"
情報処理学会 全国大会, Mar. 2018.
438 天野英晴, 宇佐美公良, 黒田忠広, 近藤正章, 中村宏, 並木美太郎, 松谷宏紀,
情報処理学会 全国大会, Mar. 2018.
437 植吉晃大, 安藤洸太, 廣瀨一俊, 高前田伸也, 門本淳一郎, 宮田知輝, 濱田基嗣, 黒田忠広, 本村真人,
"QUEST: A 7.49TOPS Multi-Purpose Log-Quantized DNN Inference Engine
Stacked on 96MB 3D SRAM Using Inductive-Coupling Technology in 40nm
IEEE SSCS Japan Chapter/Kansai Chapter Technical Seminar, Feb. 2018.
436 K. Ueyoshi, K. Ando, K. Hirose, S. Takamaeda-Yamazaki, J. Kadomoto, T.
Miyata, M. Hamada, T. Kuroda, and M. Motomura,
"QUEST: A 7.49TOPS Multi-Purpose Log-Quantized DNN Inference Engine
Stacked on 96MB 3D SRAM Using Inductive-Coupling Technology in 40nm
IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC'18), Dig. Tech. Papers, pp. 216-217, Feb. 2018.
435 Akio Nomura, Yusuke Matsushita, Junichiro Kadomoto, Hiroki Matsutani,
Tadahiro Kuroda, and Hideharu Amano,
"Escalator Network for a 3D Chip Stack with Inductive Coupling
ThruChip Interface,"
International Journal of Networking and Computing, vol. 8, no. 1, pp.
124-139, Jan. 2018.
434 A. Nomura, J. Kadomoto, T. Kuroda, and H. Amano,
"A practical collision avoidance method for an inter-chip bus with wireless
inductive Through Chip Interface,"
International Symposium on Computing and Networking (CANDAR'17),
Conference Paper, Nov. 2017.
433 J. Kadomoto, H. Amano, and T. Kuroda,
"An Inductive-Coupling Link for 3-D Network-on-Chips,"
14th International SoC Design Conference (ISOCC 2017), Proceedings, pp. 150-151, Nov. 2017.
432 S. Yanagawa, R. Shimizu, M. Hamada, T. Shimizu, and T. Kuroda,
"Wireless Power Transfer to Stacked Modules for IoT Sensor Nodes,"
14th International SoC Design Conference (ISOCC 2017), Proceedings, pp. 59-60, Nov. 2017.
431 R. Shimizu, S. Yanagawa, T. Shimizu, M. Hamada, and T. Kuroda,
"Convolutional Neural Network for Industrial Egg Classification,"
14th International SoC Design Conference (ISOCC 2017), Proceedings, pp. 67-68, Nov. 2017.
430 K. Ando, K. Ueyoshi, K. Orimo, H. Yonekawa, S. Sato, H. Nakahara, M. Ikebe, T. Asai, S. Takamaeda-Yamazaki, T. Kuroda, and M. Motomura,
"BRein Memory: A 13-Layer 4.2 K Neuron/0.8 M Synapse Binary/Ternary Reconfigurable In-Memory Deep Neural Network Accelerator in 65 nm CMOS,"
IEEE Symposium on VLSI Circuits, Dig. Tech. Papers, pp. C24-C25, June 2017.
429 M. Haraguchi, A. Kosuge, T. Igarashi, S. Masaki, M. Sueda, M. Hamada, and T. Kuroda,
"A 6Gb/s Rotatable Non-Contact Connector with High-Speed/I2C/CAN/SPI Interface Bridge IC,"
IEEE Symposium on VLSI Circuits, Dig. Tech. Papers, pp. C150-C151, June 2017.
428 黒田忠広,
半導体産業人協会会報, No.96, pp.8-11, Apr. 2017.
427 板倉洋, 明星慶洋, 山田浩利, 吉子尚志, 市川愉, 小菅敦丈, 原口雅嗣, 黒田忠広,
電子情報通信学会総合大会, B-4-21, Mar. 2017.
426 T. Kuroda,
"System Integration in a Package for Cloud and Edge,"
IEEE Electron Devices Technology and Manufacturing (EDTM 2017), Proc. Tech. Papers, pp. 42-43, Mar. 2017.
425 松下悠亮, 増山滉一朗, 野村明生, 門本淳一郎, 四手井綱章, 黒田忠広, 天野英晴,
電子情報通信学会, 信学技報, vol. 116, no. 365, pp. 7-12, Dec. 2016.
424 A. Nomura, H. Matsutani, T. Kuroda, J. Kadomoto, Y. Matsushita, and H. Amano,
"Vertical Packet Switching Elevator Network Using Inductive Coupling ThruChip Interface,"
International Symposium on Computing and Networking (CANDAR'16), Conference Paper, Nov. 2016.
423 黒田忠広,
ロボット, No.233, pp. 1-2, Nov. 2016.
422 M. Ikebe, T. Asai, M. Mori, T. Itou, D. Uchida, Y. Take, T. Kuroda, and M. Motomura,
"3D stacked image sensor featuring low noise inductive coupling channels,"
3rd International Workshop on Image Sensors and Imaging Systems (IWISS2016), pp. 15-16, Nov. 2016.
421 門本淳一郎, 宮田知輝, 天野英晴, 黒田忠広,
"An Inductive-Coupling Bus with Collision Detection Scheme Using Magnetic Field Variation for 3-D Network-on-Chips,"
IEEE SSCS Japan/Kansai Chapter A-SSCC報告会, Nov. 2016.
420 J. Kadomoto, T. Miyata, H. Amano, and T. Kuroda,
"An Inductive-Coupling Bus with Collision Detection Scheme Using Magnetic Field Variation for 3-D Network-on-Chips,"
IEEE Asian Solid-State Circuits Conference (A-SSCC 2016), Proc. Tech. Papers, pp. 41-44, Nov. 2016.
419 R. Shimizu, S.Yanagawa, Y. Monde, H. Yamagishi, M. Hamada, T. Shimizu, and T. Kuroda,
"Deep Learning Application Trial to Lung Cancer Diagnosis for Medical Sensor Systems,"
13th International SoC Design Conference (ISOCC 2016), Proceedings, pp. 194-195, Oct. 2016.
418 Ahmad Muzaffar bin Baharudin, Mika Saari, Pekka Sillberg, Petri Rantanen, Jari Soini, and Tadahiro Kuroda,
"Low-Energy Algorithm for Self-Controlled Wireless Sensor Nodes,"
The International Conference on Wireless Networks and Mobile Communications (WINCOM’16), Conference Paper, Oct. 2016.
417 H. Itakura, Y. Akeboshi, H. Yamada, H. Yoshiko, S. Ichikawa, A. Kosuge, M. Haraguchi, T. Kuroda,
"Basic Study of Non-Contact Connector for High-Speed Space Cable Transmission,"
International SpaceWire Conference (ISC 2016), Short Paper, Oct. 2016.
416 S. Hasegawa, J. Kadomoto, A. Kosuge, and T. Kuroda,
"A 1 Tb/s/mm2 Inductive-Coupling Side-by-Side Chip Link,"
European Solid-State Circuits Conference (ESSCIRC 2016), pp. 469-472, Sep. 2016.
415 J. Kadomoto, S. Hasegawa, Y. Kiuchi, A. Kosuge, and T. Kuroda,
"Analysis and Evaluation of Electromagnetic Interference between ThruChip Interface and LC-VCO,"
IEICE Trans. on Electronics, vol. E99-C, no. 6, pp. 659-662, June 2016.
414 長谷川蒼, 新谷悟, 中野慎也, 加藤智, 黒田忠広,
電子回路研究会, June 2016.
413 A. Kosuge, J. Kadomoto, and T. Kuroda,
"A 6 Gb/s 6 pJ/b 5mm-Distance Non-Contact Interface for Modular Smartphones Using Two-Fold Transmission Line Coupler and High EMC Tolerant Pulse Transceiver,"
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits (JSSC), vol. 51, no. 6, pp. 1446-1456, June 2016.
412 T. Kuroda,
"Near-Field Coupling Integration Technology,"
ECS Transactions, 72(3) 83-91, May 2016.
411 黒田忠広,
パリティ Vol.31 No.02, 丸善出版, Feb. 2016.
410 A. Kosuge, J. Hashiba, T. Kawajiri, S. Hasegawa, T. Shidei, H.Ishikuro, T. Kuroda, and K. Takeuchi,
"An Inductively-Powered Wireless Solid-State Drive System with Merged Error Correction of High-Speed Wireless Data Links and NAND Flash Memories,"
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits (JSSC), vol. 51, no. 4, pp. 1041-1050, Apr. 2016.
409 T. Kuroda,
"Near-Field Coupling Integration Technology,"
IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC'16), Dig. Tech.
Papers, pp. 502-505, Feb. 2016.
408 A. Kosuge, A. Okada, M. Taguchi, H. Ishikuro, and T. Kuroda,
“A 280Mb/s In-Vehicle LAN System Using Electromagnetic Clip Connector and High-EMC Transceiver,”
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-I: Regular Papers (TCAS-I), vol. 63, no. 2, pp. 265-275, Feb. 2016.
407 T. Kagami, H. Matsutani, M. Koibuchi, Y. Take, T. Kuroda, H. Amano,
"Efficient 3-D Bus Architecture for Inductive-Coupling ThruChip Interface,"
IEEE Transaction on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 493-506, Feb. 2016.
406 L. Hsu, J. Kadomoto, S. Hasegawa, A. Kosuge, Y. Take, and T. Kuroda,
"Analytical ThruChip Inductive Coupling Channel Design Optimization,"
2016 21st Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC), pp. 731-736, Jan. 2016.
405 L. Hsu, J. Kadomoto, S. Hasegawa, A. Kosuge, Y. Take, and T. Kuroda,
"A Study of Physical Design Guidelines in ThruChip Inductive Coupling Channel,"
IEICE Trans. on Fundamentals, vol. E98-A, no. 12, pp. 2584-2591, Dec. 2015.
404 黒田忠広,
電子情報通信学会誌, vol. 98, no. 12, pp. 1057-1062, Dec. 2015.
403 門出康孝,山岸裕樹,花井陽介,清水徹,黒田忠広,
第106回 知識ベースシステム研究会 (SIG-KBS), Nov. 2015.
402 Y. Take, J. Kadomoto, and T. Kuroda,
"3D Integration Using Inductive Coupling and Coupled Resonator,"
in Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Radio-Frequency Integration Technology (RFIT'15), pp. 46-48, Aug. 2015.
401 黒田忠広,
日経エレクトロニクス8月号 , pp. 59-68, Aug. 2015.
400 A. Kosuge, S. Ishizuka, M. Taguchi, H. Ishikuro, and T. Kuroda,
"Analysis and Design of an 8.5-Gb/s/link Multi-Drop Bus Using Energy-Equipartitioned Transmission Line Couplers,"
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-I: Regular Papers (TCAS-I), vol. 62, no. 8, pp. 2122-2131, Aug. 2015.
399 黒田忠広,
日経エレクトロニクス7月号, pp. 91-98, July 2015.
398 M. Ikebe, D. Uchida, Y. Take, M. Someya, S. Chikuda, K. Matsuyama, T. Asai, T. Kuroda, and M. Motomura,
"Image Sensor/Digital Logic 3D Stacked Module Featuring Inductive Coupling Channels for High Speed/Low-Noise Image Transfer,"
IEEE Symposium on VLSI Circuits, Dig. Tech. Papers, pp. C82-C83, June 2015.
397 A. Kosuge, J. Hashiba, T. Kawajiri, S. Hasegawa, T. Shidei, H.Ishikuro, T. Kuroda, and K. Takeuchi,
"Inductively-Powered Wireless Solid-State Drive (SSD) System with Merged Error Correction of High-Speed Non-Contact Data Links and NAND Flash Memory,"
IEEE Symposium on VLSI Circuits, Dig. Tech. Papers, pp. C128-C129, June 2015.
396 門出康孝,清水徹,黒田忠広,
2015年度人工知能学会全国大会(第29回),Jun. 2015.
395 Y. Take, T. Kuroda,
"Relay Transmission Thruchip Interface with Low-Skew 3D Clock Distribution Network,"
IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Electronics, vol. E98-C, no. 4, pp. 322-332, May 2015.
394 小菅敦丈, 石塚秀, 門本淳一郎, 黒田忠広,
"A 6Gb/s 6pJ/b 5mm-Distance Non-Contact Interface for Modular Smartphones
Using Two-Fold Transmission Line Coupler and EMC-Qualified Pulse Transceiver,"
IEEE SSCS Japan/Kansai Chapter ISSCC報告会, Mar. 2015.
393 A. Kosuge, S. Ishizuka, M. Abe, S. Ichikawa, and T. Kuroda,
"A 6.5Gb/s Shared Bus using Electromagnetic Connectors for Downsizing and Lightening Satellite Processor System by 60%,"
IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC'15), Dig. Tech. Papers, pp. 434-435, Feb. 2015.
392 A. Kosuge, S. Ishizuka, J. Kadomoto, and T. Kuroda,
"A 6Gb/s 6pJ/b 5mm-Distance Non-Contact Interface for Modular Smartphones Using Two-Fold Transmission Line Coupler and EMC-Qualified Pulse Transceiver,"
IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC'15), Dig. Tech. Papers, pp. 176-177, Feb. 2015.
391 L. Hsu, Y. Take, A. Kosuge, S. Hasegawa, J. Kadomoto, and T. Kuroda,
"Design and Analysis for ThruChip Design for Manufacturing (DFM),"
20th Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC'15), Proceedings, pp. 46-47, Jan. 2015.
390 A. Okada, A. Raziz Junaidi, Y. Take, A. Kosuge, and T. Kuroda,
"Circuit and Package Design for 44GB/s Inductive-Coupling DRAM/SoC Interface,"
20th Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC'15), Proceedings, pp. 44-45, Jan. 2015.
389 T. Kuroda,
"Circuit and Device Interactions for 3D Integration Using Inductive Coupling,"
IEEE International Devices Meeting (IEDM 2014), Proc. Tech. Papers,
18.6.1-18.6.4, Dec. 2014.
388 A. Raziz Junaidi, Y. Take, and T. Kuroda,
"An Inductive-Coupling Memory/Processor Interface Using Overlapping Coils with Phase Division Multiplexing and Ultra-Thin Fan-Out Wafer Level Package,"
Malaysia-Japan Academic Scholar Conference(MJASC), Session M14-P18-A, Nov. 2014.
387 岡田晃, 小菅敦丈, 黒田忠広,
電子情報通信学会論文誌, pp. 378-385, Nov. 2014.
386 T. Kuroda,
"3D Integration by Inductive Coupling,"
Proc. IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conf. (CICC), Session 11-3, Sep. 2014.
385 D. Ditzel, T. Kuroda, and S. Lee,
"Low-Cost 3D Chip Stacking with ThruChip Wireless Connections,"
Hot Chips - A Symposium on High Performance Chips, Aug. 2014.
384 岡田晃, 小菅敦丈, 石塚秀, 劉楽昌, 田口眞男, 石黒仁揮, 黒田忠広,
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, pp. 23-27, Oct. 2014.
383 A. Raziz Junaidi, Y. Take, and T. Kuroda,
"A 352Gb/s Inductive-Coupling DRAM/SoC Interface Using Overlapping Coils with Phase Division Multiplexing and Ultra-Thin Fan-Out Wafer Level Package,"
IEEE Symposium on VLSI Circuits, Dig. Tech. Papers, pp. 29-30, June 2014.
382 小菅敦丈, 石塚秀, 劉楽昌, 岡田晃, 田口眞男, 石黒仁揮, 黒田忠広,
"An Electromagnetic Clip Connector for In-Vehicle LAN to Reduce Wire Harness Weight by 30%,"
IEEE SSCS Japan/Kansai Chapter ISSCC報告会, May. 2014.
381 Y. Take, H. Matsutani, D. Sasaki, M. Koibuchi, T. Kuroda, H. Amano,
"3-D NoC with Inductive-Coupling Links for Building-Block SiPs,"
IEEE Transactions on Computers, vol. 63, no. 3, pp. 748-763, Mar. 2014.
380 A. Kosuge, S. Ishizuka, L. Liu, A. Okada, M. Taguchi, H. Ishikuro, and T. Kuroda,
"An Electromagnetic Clip Connector for In-Vehicle LAN to Reduce Wire Harness Weight by 30%,"
IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC'14), Dig. Tech. Papers, pp. 496-497, Feb. 2014.
379 A. Kosuge, W. Mizuhara, T. Shidei, T. Takeya, N. Miura, M. Taguchi, H. Ishikuro, and T. Kuroda,
"A 0.15-mm-Thick Noncontact Connector for MIPI Using a Vertical Directional Coupler,"
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits (JSSC), vol. 49, no. 1, pp. 223-231, Jan. 2014.
378 小菅敦丈,
"前回最優秀賞の受賞者がRohde & Schwarz本社を訪問,"
日経エレクトロニクス12月23日号, pp. 45-47, Dec. 2013.
377 黒田忠広,
日本信頼性学会誌, vol. 35, no. 8, p. 469, Dec. 2013.
376 黒田忠広,
日本信頼性学会誌, vol. 35, no. 8, p. 473, Dec. 2013.
375 K. Ohata, Y. Sanada, T. Ogaki, K. Matsuyama, T. Ohira, S. Chikuda, M. Igarashi, M. Ikebe, T. Asai, M. Motomura, and T. Kuroda,
"Hardware-Oriented Stereo Vision Algorithm based on 1-D Guided Filtering and its FPGA Implementation,"
IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits, and Systems (ICECS), pp. 169-172, Dec. 2013.
374 N. Miura, Y. Koizumi, E. Sasaki, Y. Take, H. Matsutani, T. Kuroda, H. Amano, R. Sakamoto, M. Namiki, K. Usami, M. Kondo, H. Nakamura,
"A Scalable 3D Heterogeneous Multicore with an Inductive ThruChip Interface,"
IEEE Micro, Vol.33, No.6, pp.6-15, Dec 2013.
373 小菅敦丈,
日経エレクトロニクス12月9日号, pp. 51-53, Dec. 2013.
372 A. Kosuge,
"Wireless Interconnect Technology by Near-Filed Coupling,"
Nikkei Electronics Award Trip at Rohde & Schwarz, Oct. 2013.
371 小菅敦丈,
CEATEC 2013 NE シアター, Oct. 2013.
370 Y. Miyahara, K. Ishikawa, and T. Kuroda,
"A Sub-threshold Region Operating Ultra-low Power 2.4GHz VCO and Frequency Divider,"
JSAP International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials (SSDM'13), Sep. 2013.
369 Y. Ono, A. Raziz, and T. Kuroda,
"Adaptive Window Search Using Semantic Texton Forests For Real-time Object Detection,"
IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Sep. 2013.
368 N. Miura, Y. Koizumi, E. Sasaki, Y. Take, H. Matsutani, K. Usami, T. Kuroda,
H. Amano, R. Sakamoto, M. Namiki, K. Usami, M. Kondo, and H. Nakamura,
"A Scalable 3D Heterogeneous Multi-Core Processor with Inductive-Coupling ThruChip Interface,"
Hot Chips - A Symposium on High Performance Chips, Aug. 2013
367 小菅敦丈, 水原渉, 四手井綱章, 竹谷勉, 三浦典之, 田口眞男, 石黒仁揮, 黒田忠広,
シリコン材料・デバイス研究会(SDM)/集積回路研究会(ICD), Aug. 2013.
366 N. Lu, K. Chang, F. Chang, T. Kuroda, K. Matsudera, L. Madden, S. Borkar, T. Pawlowski, K. Sohn, E. Tsern,
"The Best Logic and Memory Interface Technology for 2D/2.5D/3D ICs,"
IEEE Symposium on VLSI Circuits, Dig. Tech. Papers, pp.C177-C178, June 2013.
365 K. Yoshioka, A. Shikata, R. Sekimoto, T. Kuroda, and H. Ishikuro,
"A 0.0058mm2 7.0 ENOB 24MS/s 17fJ/conv. Threshold Configuring SAR ADC with Source Voltage Shifting and Interpolation Technique,"
IEEE Symposium on VLSI Circuits, Dig. Tech. Papers, pp. C266-C267, June 2013.
364 L. Liu, K. Ishikawa, and T. Kuroda,
"A 720uW 873MHz-1.008GHz Injection-Locked Frequency Multiplier with 0.3V Supply Voltage in 90nm CMOS,"
IEEE Symposium on VLSI Circuits, Dig. Tech. Papers, pp. C140-C141, June 2013.
363 M. Nomura, A. Muramatsu, H. Takeno, S. Hattori, D. Ogawa, M. Nasu, K.Hirairi, S. Kumashiro,
S. Moriwaki, Y. Yamamoto, S. Miyano, Y. Hiraku, I.Hayashi, K. Yoshioka, A. Shikata, H. Ishikuro, M. Ahn, Y. Okuma, X. Zhang,Y. Ryu, K. Ishida, M. Takamiya, T. Kuroda, H. Shinohara, and T. Sakurai,
"0.5V Image Processor with 563 GOPS/W SIMD and 32bit CPU Using High Voltage Clock Distribution (HVCD) and Adaptive Frequency Scaling (AFS) with 40nm CMOS,"
IEEE Symposium on VLSI Circuits, Dig. Tech. Papers, pp. C36-C37, June 2013.
362 小菅敦丈,
NE ジャパン・ワイヤレス・テクノロジー・アワード 2013, May 2013.
361 T. Takeya, and T. Kuroda,
"Transmission Line Coupler Design and Mixer-Based Receiver for Dicode Partial Response Communications,"
IEICE TRANS. FUNDAMENTALS, vol. E96-A, no. 5, pp. 940-946, May 2013.
360 Yuki Urano, Won-Joo Yun, Tadahiro Kuroda, Hiroki Ishikuro
A 1.26mW/Gbps 8 locking cycles versatile all-digital CDR with TDC combined DLL
IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS) May. 2013
359 A. Kosuge, T. Takeya, M. Shioya, M. Taguchi, and T. Kuroda,
"A 3 Gbps Non-Contact Inter-Module Link with Twofold Transmission Line Couplers and Low Frequency Compensation Equalizer,"
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics (JJAP), vol. 52, no. 4, Apr. 2013.
358 T. Takeya, L. Nan, S. Nakano, N. Miura, H. Ishikuro, and T. Kuroda,
"A 12-Gb/s non-contact interface with coupled transmission lines,"
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits (JSSC), vol. 48, no. 3, pp. 790-800, Mar. 2013.
357 T. Takeya, and T. Kuroda,
"Symbol-Rate Clock Recovery for Integrating DFE Receivers,"
IEICE Trans. on Fundamentals, vol. E96-A, no. 3, pp. 705-712, Mar. 2013.
356 A. Shikata, R. Sekimoto, K. Yoshioka, T. Kuroda, and H. Ishikuro,
"A 4-10bit, 0.4-1V Power Supply, Power Scalable Asynchronous SAR-ADC in 40nm-CMOS with Wide Supply Voltage Range SAR Controller,"
IEICE Trans. on Fundamentals, vol. E96-A, no. 2, Feb. 2013.
355 W. Mizuhara, T. Shidei, A. Kosuge, T. Takeya, N. Miura, M. Taguchi, H. Ishikuro, and T. Kuroda,
"A 0.15mm-Thick Non-Contact Connector for MIPI Using Vertical Directional Coupler,"
IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC'13), Dig. Tech. Papers, pp. 200-201, Feb. 2013.
354 H. Fukuda, T. Terada, and T. Kuroda,
"Retrodirective Transponder Array with Universal On-Sheet Reference for Wireless Mobile Sensor Networks Without Battery or Oscillator,"
IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC'13), Dig. Tech. Papers, pp. 204-205, Feb. 2013.
353 N. Miura, M. Saito, M. Taguchi, and T. Kuroda,
"A 6nW Inductive-Coupling Wake-Up Transceiver for Reducing Standby Power of Non-Contact Memory Card by 500x,"
IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC'13), Dig. Tech. Papers, pp. 214-215, Feb. 2013.
352 Y. Take, N. Miura, H. Ishikuro, and T. Kuroda,
"3D Clock Distribution Using Vertically/Horizontally Coupled Resonators,"
IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC'13), Dig. Tech. Papers, pp. 258-259, Feb. 2013.
351 H. Matsutani, P. Bogdan, R. Marculescu, Y. Take, D. Sasaki, H. Zhang, M. Koibuchi, T. Kuroda, and H. Amano,
"A Case for Wireless 3D NoCs for CMPs,"
18th Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC'13), Proceedings, pp. 23-28, Jan. 2013.
350 K. Yoshioka, A. Shikata, R. Sekimoto, T. Kuroda, and H. Ishikuro,
"A 0.35-0.8V 8b 0.5-35MS/s 2bit/step Extremely-low Power SAR ADC,"
18th Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC'13), Proceedings, pp. 111-112, Jan. 2013.
349 A. Kosuge, W. Mizuhara, N. Miura, M. Taguchi, H. Ishikuro, and T. Kuroda,
"A 12.5Gb/s/Link Non-Contact Multi-Drop Bus System with Impedance-Matched Transmission Line Couplers and Dicode Partial-Response Channel Transceivers,"
18th Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC'13), Proceedings, pp. 91-92, Jan. 2013.
348 Y. Koizumi, H. Amano, H. Matsutani, N. Miura, T. Kuroda, R. Sakamoto, M. Namiki, K. Usami, M. Kondo, and H. Nakamura, "Dynamic power control with a heterogeneous multi-core system using a 3-D wireless inductive coupling interconnect,"
International Conference on Field-Programmable Technology (ICFPT'12), pp. 293-296, Dec 2012.
347 K. Tomita, R. Shinoda, T. Kuroda, and H. Ishikuro,
"1-W 3.3–16.3-V Boosting Wireless Power Transfer Circuits With Vector Summing Power Controller,"
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits (JSSC), vol. 47, no. 11, pp. 2576-2585, Nov. 2012.
346 R. Sekimoto, A. Shikata, K. Yoshioka, T. Kuroda, and H. Ishikuro,
"A 40nm CMOS Full Asynchronous Nano-Watt SAR ADC with 98% Leakage Power
Reduction by Boosted Self Power Gating,"
IEEE Asian Solid-State Circuits Conference (A-SSCC'12), Proc. Tech. Papers, pp. 161-164, Nov. 2012.
345 Y. Hiraku, I. Hayashi, H. Chung, T. Kuroda, and H. Ishikuro,
"A 0.5V 10MHz-to-100MHz 0.47µW/MHz Power Scalable Ad-PLL in 40nm CMOS,"
IEEE Asian Solid-State Circuits Conference (A-SSCC'12), Proc. Tech. Papers, pp. 33-36, Nov. 2012.
344 T. Kuroda,
"ThruChip interface for heterogeneous chip stacking,"
ECS Transactions, vol. 14, no. 50, pp. 63-68, Oct. 2012.
343 H. Chung, A. Radecki, N. Miura, H. Ishikuro, and T. Kuroda,
"A 0.025–0.45 W 60%-Efficiency Inductive-Coupling Power Transceiver With 5-Bit Dual-Frequency Feedforward Control for Non-Contact Memory Cards,"
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits (JSSC), vol. 47, no. 10, pp. 2496-2504, Oct. 2012.
342 M. Saito, N. Miura, and T. Kuroda,
"Analysis and Design of Coil with Feed Line for ThruChip Interface,"
JSAP International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials (SSDM'12), Extended Abstracts, pp. 1160-1161, Sep. 2012.
341 A. Kosuge, T. Takeya, M. Shioya, M. Taguchi, and T. Kuroda,
"A 3Gb/s Non-Contact Inter-Module Link with Duplex Transmission-Line-Couplers and Low-Frequency Compensation Equalizer,"
JSAP International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials (SSDM'12), Extended Abstracts, pp. 1152-1153, Sep. 2012.
340 A. Kosuge, W. Mizuhara, N. Miura, M. Taguchi, H. Ishikuro, and T. Kuroda,
"A 12.5Gb/s/Link Non-Contact Multi Drop Bus System with Impedance-Matched Transmission Line Couplers and Dicode Partial-Response Channel Transceivers,"
in Proc. IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conf. (CICC), pp. 7.9.1-7.9.4, Sep. 2012.
339 L. Liu, H. Ishikuro, and T. Kuroda,
"A 100Mb/s 13.7pJ/bit DC-960MHz Band Plesiochronous IR-UWB Receiver with Costas-Loop Based Synchronization Scheme in 65nm CMOS,"
in Proc. IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conf. (CICC), pp. 8.6.1-8.6.4, Sep. 2012.
338 X. Zhu, Y. Chen, S. Tsukamoto and T. Kuroda,
"A 9-bit 100MS/s SARADC with Digitally Assisted Background Calibration,"
IEICE Trans. on Electronics, vol. E95-C, no. 6, pp. 1026 -1034, June 2012.
337 N. Miura, M. Saito, and T. Kuroda,
"A 1TB/s 1pJ/b 6.4mm2/TB/s QDR Inductive-Coupling Interface Between 65-nm CMOS Logic and Emulated 100-nm DRAM,"
IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems (JETCAS), vol. 2, no. 2, pp.249-256, June 2012.
336 黒田忠広,
エレクトロニクス実装学会誌, vol. 15, no. 4, pp. 231-235, May 2012.
335 T. Kuroda,
"Near-Field Wireless Connection for 3D-System Integration,"
IEEE Symposium on VLSI Technology, Dig. Tech. Papers, pp. 105-106, June 2012.
334 Y. Shimazaki, N. Miura, and T. Kuroda,
"A 5.184Gbps/ch Through-Chip Interface and Automated Place-and-Route Design Methodology for 3-D Integration of 45nm CMOS Processors,"
IEEE Symposium on low-Power and High-Speed Chips (COOL Chips) XV, Apr. 2012.
333 H. Chung, H. Ishikuro, and T. Kuroda,
"A 10-Bit 80-MS/s Decision-Select Successive Approximation TDC in 65-nm CMOS,"
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits (JSSC), vol. 47, no. 5, pp. 1232-1241, May. 2012.
332 X. Zhu, Y. Chen, S. Tsukamoto, T. Kuroda,
" A 9-bit 100MS/s Tri-level Charge Redistribution SAR ADC with Asymmetric CDAC Array,"
2012 International Symposium on VLSI Design, Automation and Test (2012 VLSI-DAT), Hsinchu, Taiwan, Apr. 2012.
331 M. Saito, N. Miura, and T. Kuroda,
"Asynchronous Pulse Transmitter for Power Reduction in Inductive-Coupling Link,"
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics(JJAP), vol. 51 No. 2, Apr. 2012.
330 A. Radecki, H.Chung, Y. Yoshida, N. Miura, T. Shidei, H. Ishikuro and T. Kuroda,
"6W/25mm2 Wireless Power Transmission for Non-contact Wafer-Level Testing,"
IEICE Trans. on Electronics, vol. E95-C, No. 4, pp. 668-676, Apr. 2012.
329 A. Shikata, R. Sekimoto, T. Kuroda, and H. Ishikuro,
"A 0.5 V 1.1 MS/sec 6.3 fJ/conversion-step SAR-ADC with tri-level comparator in 40 nm CMOS,"
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits (JSSC), vol. 47, no. 4, pp. 1022-1030, Apr. 2012.
328 H. Zhang, H. Matsutani, Y. Take, T. Kuroda, and H. Amano,
"Vertical Link On/Off Control Methods for Wireless 3-D NoCs,"
Proc. of the 25th International Conference on Architecture of Computing Systems (ARCS'12), pp. 212-224, Feb 2012.
327 W. Yun, S. Nakano, W. Mizuhara, A. Kosuge, N. Miura, H. Ishikuro, and T. Kuroda,
"A 7Gb/s/Link Non-Contact Memory Module for Multi-Drop Bus System Using Energy-Equipartitioned Coupled Transmission Line,"
IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC'12), Dig. Tech. Papers, pp. 52-53, Feb. 2012.
326 T. Abe, Y. Yuan, H. Ishikuro, and T. Kuroda,
"A 2Gb/s 150mW UWB Direct-Conversion Coherent Transceiver with IQ-Switching Carrier-Recovery Scheme,"
IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC'12), Dig. Tech. Papers, pp. 442-443, Feb. 2012.
325 Y. Take, H. Chung, N. Miura, and T. Kuroda,
"Simultaneous Data and Power Transmission using Nested Clover Coils,"
17th Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC'12), Proceedings, pp. 555-556, Jan. 2012.
324 黒田忠広,
電子情報通信学会誌, vol. 94, no. 12, pp. 1041-1045, Dec. 2011.
323 T. Kuroda,
"Proximity IOs Using Inductive Coupling,"
IEEE International Symposium on Radio-Frequency Integration Technology (RFIT'11), pp. 37-40, Nov. 2011.
322 T. Kuroda,
"How to write a good ISSCC paper (Tutorial),"
IEEE Asian Solid-State Circuits Conference (A-SSCC'11), Nov. 2011.
321 K. Tomita, R. Shinoda, T. Kuroda, and H. Ishikuro,
"1W 3.3V-to-16.3V Boosting Wireless Power Transfer Circuits with Vector Summing Power Controller,"
IEEE Asian Solid-State Circuits Conference (A-SSCC'11), Proc. Tech. Papers, pp. 177-180, Nov. 2011.
320 A. Radecki, N. Miura, H. Ishikuro, and T. Kuroda,
"Rotary coding for power reduction and S/N improvement in inductive-coupling data communication,"
IEEE Asian Solid-State Circuits Conference (A-SSCC'11), Proc. Tech. Papers, pp. 205-208, Nov. 2011.
319 W-J. Yun, H. Ishikuro, and T. Kuroda,
"A 0.6V Noise Rejectable All-Digital CDR with Free Running TDC for a Pulse-Based Inductive-Coupling Interface,"
IEEE Asian Solid-State Circuits Conference (A-SSCC'11), Proc. Tech. Papers, pp. 145-148, Nov. 2011
318 N. Miura,
"Non-Contact Interface for 3D Memory System (Tutorial),"
IEEE Asian Solid-State Circuits Conference (A-SSCC'11), Nov. 2011.
317 三浦典之,
ナノテクノロジー・ネットワーク平成23年度成果報告会, Nov. 2011.
316 Y. Take, N. Miura, and T. Kuroda,
"A 30Gb/s/Link 2.2Tb/s/mm2 inductively-coupled injection-locking CDR for high-speed DRAM interface,"
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits (JSSC), vol. 46, no. 11, pp. 2552-2559, Nov. 2011.
315 K. Niitsu, Y. Sugimori, Y. Kohama, K. Osada, N. Irie, H. Ishikuro and T. Kuroda,
"Analysis and Techniques for Mitigating Interface From Power/Signal Lines and to SRAM Circuits in CMOS Inductive-Coupling Link for Low-Power 3-D System Integration,"
IEEE Transaction on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, vol. 19, no. 10, Oct. 2011.
314 T. Kuroda,
"ThruChip Interface (TCI) for 3D Networks on Chip,"
2011 IEEE/IFIP 19th International Conference on VLSI and System-on-Chip, pp. 238-241, Oct. 2011.
313 M. Saito, N. Miura, and T. Kuroda,
"Asynchronous Pulse Transmitter for Power Reduction in ThruChip Interface,"
International Conference on Solid-State Devices and Materials (SSDM), Sep. 2011.
312 R. Sekimoto, A. Shikata, T. Kuroda, and H. Ishikuro,
"A 40nm 50S/s - 8MS/s Ultra Low Voltage SAR ADC with Timing Optimized Asynchronous Clock Generator,"
2011 European Solid-State Circuits Conference (ESSCIRC'11), Dig. Tech. Papers,
pp. 12-16, Sep. 2011.
311 J. Nishimura and T. Kuroda,
"Human Action Recognition Using Wireless Wearable In-Ear Microphone,"
IEEJ, vol.131, no.9, Sec.C, pp.1570-1576, 2011.
310 小野友己, 黒田忠広,
MIRU2011 画像の理解・認識シンポジウム, July 2011.
309 A. Shikata, R. Sekimoto, T. Kuroda, and H. Ishikuro,
"A 0.5V 1.1MS/sec 6.3fJ/conversion-step SAR-ADC with Tri-Level Comparator in 40nm CMOS,"
IEEE Symposium on VLSI Circuits, Dig. Tech. Papers, pp. 262-263, June 2011.
308 H. Ishizaki, H. Ikeda, Y. Yoshida, T. Maeda, T. Kuroda, and M. Mizuno,
"A Battery-less WiFi-BER modulated data transmitter with ambient radio-wave energy harvesting,"
IEEE Symposium on VLSI Circuits, Dig. Tech. Papers, pp. 162-163, June 2011.
307 黒田忠広,
日経エレクトロニクス6月13日号, pp. 85-94, June 2011.
306 竹谷勉, Nan Lan, 中野慎也, 三浦典之, 石黒仁揮, 黒田忠広,
"A 12Gb/s Non-Contact Interface with Coupled Transmission Lines,"
IEEE SSCS Kansai Chapter Technical Seminar, May 2011.
305 H. Matsutani, Y. Take, D. Sasaki, M. Kimura, Y. Ono, Y. Nishiyama, M. Koibuchi, T. Kuroda, and H. Amano,
"A Vertical Bubble Flow Network using Inductive-Coupling for 3-D CMPs,"
Proc. of the 5th ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Networks-on-Chip (NOCS'11), pp. 49-56, May 2011.
304 竹谷勉, Nan Lan, 中野慎也, 三浦典之, 石黒仁揮, 黒田忠広,
"A 12Gb/s Non-Contact Interface with Coupled Transmission Lines,"
集積回路研究会(ICD), Apr. 2011.
303 N. Miura, T. Shidei, Y. Yuan, S. Kawai, K. Takatsu, Y. Kiyota, Y. Asano, and T. Kuroda,
"A 0.55V 10fJ/bit inductive-coupling data link and 0.7V 135fJ/cycle clock link with dual-coil transmission scheme,"
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits (JSSC), vol. 46, no. 4, pp. 965-973, Apr. 2011.
302 黒田忠広,
OHM, pp. 4-5, Mar. 2011.
301 T. Takeya, L. Nan, S. Nakano, N. Miura, H. Ishikuro, and T. Kuroda,
"A 12Gb/s Non-Contact Interface with Coupled Transmission lines,"
IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC'11), Dig. Tech. Papers, pp. 492-493, Feb. 2011.
300 N. Miura, Y. Take, M. Saito, Y. Yoshida, and T. Kuroda,
"A 2.7Gb/s/mm2 0.9pJ/b/Chip 1Coil/Channel ThruChip Interface with Coupled-Resonator-Based CDR for NAND Flash Memory Stacking,"
IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC'11), Dig. Tech. Papers, pp. 490-491, Feb. 2011.
299 A. Radecki, H. Chung, Y. Yoshida, N. Miura, T. Shidei, H. Ishikuro, and T. Kuroda,
"6W/25mm2 Inductive Power Transfer for Non-Contact Wafer-Level Testing,"
IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC'11), Dig. Tech. Papers, pp. 230-231, Feb. 2011.
298 T. Matsubara, I. Hayashi, A. H.Johari, S. Kumaki, K. Kohira, T. Kuroda, and H. Ishikuro,
"An 0.5V, 0.91pJ/bit, 1.1Gb/s/ch transceiver in 65nm CMOS for high-speed wireless proximity interface,"
2011 IEEE Radio & Wireless Symposium, Phoenix, Arizona, USA, Jan. 16-19, 2011.
297 Y. Take, N. Miura, and T. Kuroda,
"A 30Gb/s/link 2.2Tb/s/mm2 Inductively-Coupled Injection-Locking CDR,"
IEEE SSCS Kansai Chapter Technical Seminar, Dec. 2010.
296 Y. Chen, S. Tsukamoto, and T. Kuroda,
"A 9-bit 100-MS/s 1.46-mW Tri-Level SAR ADC in 65nm CMOS,"
IEICE Trans. Fundamentals, vol. E93-A, no. 12, Dec. 2010.
295 黒田忠広,
NEW MEDIA, 1-2011, p. 27, Dec. 2010.
294 X. Zhu, Y. Chen, M. Kibune, Y. Tomita, T. Hamada, H. Tamura, S.
Tsukamoto, and T. Kuroda,
"A Dynamic Offset Control Technique for Comparator Design in Scaled CMOS Technology,"
IEICE Trans. on Fundamental of Electronics, vol.E93-A, no.12, pp. 2456-2462, Dec. 2010.
293 J. Nishimura, and T. Kuroda,
"Multiaxial Haar-Like Feature and Compact Cascaded Classifier for Versatile Recognition,"
IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 10, no. 11, pp. 1786-1795, Nov. 2010.
292 黒田忠広,
電子情報通信学会誌, vol. 93, no. 11, pp. 964-967, Nov. 2010.
291 I. Hayashi, T. Matsubara, S. Kumaki, A.-H. Johari, H. Ishikuro, and T. Kuroda,
"A Phase-to-Digital Convertar for Wide Tuning Range and PVT Tolerant ADPLL Operationg Down to 0.3V,"
IEEE Asian Solid-State Circuits Conference (A-SSCC'10), Proc. Tech. Papers, pp. 225-228, Nov. 2010.
290 Y. Take, N. Miura, and T. Kuroda,
"A 30Gb/s/link 2.2Tb/s/mm2 Inductively-Coupled Injection-Locking CDR,"
IEEE Asian Solid-State Circuits Conference (A-SSCC'10), Proc. Tech. Papers, pp. 81-84, Nov. 2010.
289 K. Takatsu, K. Niitsu, T. Shidei, N. Miura, and T. Kuroda,
"A 0.45V-to-2.7V Inductive-Coupling Level Shifter,"
IEEE Asian Solid-State Circuits Conference (A-SSCC'10), Proc. Tech. Papers, pp. 205-208, Nov. 2010.
288 H. Ishikuro, and T. Kuroda,
"Wireless proximity interfaces with a pulse-based inductive coupling technique,"
IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 48, no. 10, pp. 192-199, Oct. 2010.
287 Y. Yoshida, K. Nose, Y. Nakagawa, K. Noguchi, Y. Morita, M. Tago, M. Mizuno, and T. Kuroda,
"An inductive-coupling DC voltage transceiver for highly-parallel wafer-level testing,"
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits (JSSC), vol. 45, no. 10, pp. 2057-2065, Oct. 2010.
286 K. Takatsu, H. Tamura, T. Yamamoto, Y. Doi, K. Kanda, T. Shibasaki, and T. Kuroda,
"A 60-GHz 1.65mW 25.9% Locking Range Multi-Order LC Oscillator Based Injection Locked Frequency Divider in 65nm CMOS,"
IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference (CICC'10), Dig. Tech. Papers, pp. 653-656, Sep. 2010.
285 T. Takeya, K. Sunaga, K. Yamaguchi, H. Sugita, Y. Yoshida, M. Mizuno, and T. Kuroda,
"A 6Gb/s Receiver With Discrete-Time Based Channel Filtering For Wireline FDM Communications,"
IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference (CICC'10), Dig. Tech. Papers, pp. 173-176, Sep. 2010.
284 M. Saito, Y. Yoshida, N. Miura, and T. Kuroda,
“47% Power Reduction and 91% Area Reduction in Inductive-Coupling Programmable Bus for NAND Flash Memory Stacking”,
IEEE Circuits and Systems I (TCAS-I), vol. 57, Issue 9, pp. 2269–2278, Sep. 2010.
283 K. Niitsu, Y. Kohama, Y. Sugimori, K. Kasuga, K. Osada, N. Irie, H.Ishikuro, and T. Kuroda,
"Modeling and Experimental Verification of Misalignment Tolerance in Inductive-Coupling Inter-Chip Link for Low-Power 3-D System Integration,"
IEEE Trans. On Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, vol. 18, no. 8, pp. 1238-1243, Aug. 2010.
282 黒田忠広,
第37回STARCアドバンスト講座 , pp. 141-149, July 2010.
281 黒田忠広,
情報処理 ,vol. 51, no. 7, pp. 861-869, July 2010.
280 N. Miura, T. Shidei, Y. Yuan, S. Kawai, K. Takatsu, Y. Kiyota, Y. Asano, and T. Kuroda,
"A 0.7V 20fJ/bit Inductive-Coupling Data Link with Dual-Coil Transmission Scheme,"
IEEE Symposium on VLSI Circuits, Dig. Tech. Papers, pp. 201-202, June 2010.
279 Y. Yuan, A. Radecki, N. Miura, I. Aikawa, Y. Take, H. Ishikuro, and T. Kuroda,
"Simultaneous 6Gb/s Data and 10mW Power Transmission using Nested Clover Coils for Non-Contact Memory Card,"
IEEE Symposium on VLSI Circuits, Dig. Tech. Papers, pp. 199-200, June 2010.
278 Yi Zhan, J. Nishimura, and T. Kuroda,
"Human Activity Recognition from Environmental Background Sounds for Wireless Sensor Networks,"
IEEJ, vol. 130, no. 4 pp. 565-572, Apr. 2010.
277 J. Nishimura, and T. Kuroda,
"Versatile Recognition Using Haar-Like Feature and Cascaded Classifier,"
IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 10, pp. 942-951, 2010.
276 T. Takeya, and T. Kuroda,
"MMSE Timing Recovery using Multi-Channel Early-Late Gates for Analog Multi-Tone Systems,"
4th International Symposium on Communications, Control and Signal Processing (ISCCSP'10), Mar. 2010.
275 N. Miura, K. Kasuga, M. Saito, and T. Kuroda,
"An 8Tb/s 1pJ/b 0.8mm2/Tb/s QDR Inductive-Coupling Interface Between 65nm CMOS and 0.1um DRAM,"
IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC'10), Dig. Tech. Papers, pp. 436-437, Feb. 2010.
274 M. Saito, N. Miura, and T. Kuroda,
"A 2Gb/s 1.8pJ/b/chip Inductive-Coupling Through-Chip Bus for 128-Die NAND-Flash Memory Stacking,"
IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC'10), Dig. Tech. Papers, pp. 440-441, Feb. 2010.
273 S. Kawai, H. Ishikuro, and T. Kuroda,
"A 2.5Gb/s/ch Inductive-Coupling Transceiver for Non-Contact Memory Card,"
IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC'10), Dig. Tech. Papers, pp. 264-265, Feb. 2010.
272 T. Kuroda,
"Panel Discussion: The Semiconductor Industry in 2025,"
IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC'10), Dig. Tech. Papers, Feb. 2010.
271 T. Kuroda,
"Inductively Coupled Through-Chip Interface,"
IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC'10), Dig. Tech. Papers, Feb. 2010.
270 R. Takashima, Y. Hanai, Y. Hori and T. Kuroda,
"A Versatile Recognition Processor for Sensor Network Applications,"
15th Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC'10), Proceedings, pp. 349-350, Jan. 2010.
269 M. Saito, Y. Sugimori, Y. Kohama, Y. Yoshida, N. Miura, H. Ishikuro, T. Sakurai, and T. Kuroda,
"2Gb/s 15pJ/b/chip Inductive-Coupling Programmable Bus for NAND Flash Memory Stacking,"
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits (JSSC), vol. 45, no. 1, pp. 134-141, Jan. 2010.
268 Y. Hori, Y. Hanai, J. Nishimura and T. Kuroda,
"Architecture Design of Versatile Recognition Processor for Sensornet Applications,"
IEEE Micro, vol. 29, no. 6, pp. 44-57, Nov./Dec. 2009.
267 M. Saito, K. Kasuga, T. Takeya, N. Miura, and T. Kuroda,
"An Extended XY Coil for Noise Reduction in Inductive-coupling Link,"
IEEE Asian Solid-State Circuits Conference (A-SSCC'09), Proc. Tech. Papers, pp. 305-308, Nov. 2009.
266 Y. Chen, S. Tsukamoto, and T. Kuroda,
"A 9b 100MS/s 1.46mW SAR ADC in 65nm CMOS,"
IEEE Asian Solid-State Circuits Conference (A-SSCC'09), Proc. Tech. Papers, pp. 145-148, Nov. 2009.
265 K. Kasuga, M. Saito, T. Takeya, N. Miura, H. Ishikuro and T. Kuroda,
"A Wafer Test Method of Inductive-Coupling Link,"
IEEE Asian Solid-State Circuits Conference (A-SSCC'09), Proc. Tech. Papers, pp. 301-304, Nov. 2009.
264 L. Liu, M. Takamiya, T. Sekitani, Y. Noguchi, S. Nakano, K. Zaitsu, T.Kuroda, T. Someya, and T. Sakurai,
"A 107-pJ/bit 100-kb/s 0.18-um Capacitive-Coupling Transceiver With Data Edge Signaling and DC Power-Free Pulse Detector for Printable Communication Sheet,"
IEEE Trans. On Circuits and Systems I, vol. 56, no. 11, pp. 2511-2518, Nov. 2009.
263 Y. Hanai and T. Kuroda,
"Face detection through compact classifier using adaptive look-up-table,"
IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), pp. 1225-1228, Nov. 2009.
262 M. Sato, H. Abe, M. Hamada, H. Majima, T. Kuroda, and H. Ishikuro,
A 90nm CMOS Highly Linear Clock Bootstrapped RF Sampler Operating at Wide "Frequency Range of 0.5GHz to 5GHz,"
in Proc. 2009 IEEE Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits Symposium, Boston, MA, USA, June 7-9, 2009, pp.391-394
261 K. Niitsu, V. Kulkarni, K. Shinmo, H. Ishikuro, and T. Kuroda,
"A 14GHz AC-Coupled Clock Distribution Using Single LC-VCO and Distributed Phase Interpolatorsk,"
International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials, pp. 82-83, Oct. 2009.
260 K.Kasuga, Y. Yuan, N. Miura, and T. Kuroda,
"Electromagnetic Interference and Susceptibility in Inductive-Coupling Link,"
JSAP Solid State Devices and Materials (SSDM), Dig. Tech. Papers, pp. 62-63, Oct. 2009.
259 T. Kuroda,
"Low-Power 3D CMOS Integration,"
JSAP Solid State Devices and Materials (SSDM) Workshop, pp. 18-26, Oct. 2009.
258 S.Saito, Y. Kohama, Y. Sugimori, Y. Hasegawa, H. Matsutani, T. Sano, K. Kasuga, Y. Yoshida, K. Niitsu, N. Miura, T. Kuroda, H. Amano,
"MuCCRA-Cube: A 3D dynamically reconfigurable processor with inductive-coupling link,"
International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications, pp. 6-11, Sep. 2009.
257 T. Kuroda,
"ThruChip Interface (TCI) for 3D System Integration,"
STMicroelectronics seminar, Sep. 2009.
256 M. Saito, Y. Sugimori, Y. Kohama, Y. Yoshida, N. Miura, H. Ishikuro, and T. Kuroda,
"47% Power Reduction and 91% Area Reduction in Inductive-Coupling Programmable Bus for NAND Flash Memory Stacking,"
IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference (CICC'09), Dig. Tech. Papers, pp. 449-452, Sep. 2009.
255 Y. Chen, X. Zhu, H. Tamura, M. Kibune, Y Tomita, T. Hamada, M. Yoshioka, K. Ishikawa, T. Takayama, J. Ogawa, S. Tsukamoto, and T. Kuroda,
"Split Capacitor DAC Mismatch Calibration in Successive Approximation ADC,"
IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference (CICC'09), Dig. Tech. Papers, pp. 279-282, Sep. 2009.
254 黒田忠広,
第21回低消費電力・高速LSI技術懇談会 , Sep. 2009.
253 T. Kuroda,
"ThruChip Interface (TCI) for 3D System Integration,"
Intel seminar, Sep. 2009.
252 T. Kuroda,
"Is TSV 3D LSI’s and Packaging Finally Ready or Is It Just Another Fantasy?"
IEEE Symposium on VLSI Circuits, Joint Runmp Session, Dig. Tech. Papers, p. 173, June 2009.
251 T. Kuroda,
"Wireless TSV for Low-Power 3D System Integration,"
IEEE Symposium on VLSI Circuits, Short Course Program Digest, pp. 77-106, June 2009.
250 K. Osada, M. Saen, Y. Okuma, K. Niitsu, Y. Shimazaki, Y. Sugimori, Y. Kohama, K. Kasuga, I. Nonomura, N. Irie, T. Hattori, A. Hasegawa, and T. Kuroda,
"3D System Integration of Processor and Multi-Stacked SRAMs by Using Inductive-Coupling Links,"
IEEE Symposium on VLSI Circuits, Dig. Tech. Papers, pp. 256-257, June 2009.
249 Y. Kohama, Y. Sugimori, S. Saito, Y. Hasegawa, T. Sano, K. Kasuga, Y. Yoshida, K. Niitsu, N. Miura, H. Amano, and T. Kuroda,
"A Scalable 3D Processor by Homogeneous Chip Stacking with Inductive-Coupling Link,"
IEEE Symposium on VLSI Circuits, Dig. Tech. Papers, pp. 94-95, June 2009.
248 Y. Yuan, N. Miura, S. Imai, H. Ochi, and T. Kuroda,
"Digital Rosetta Stone: A Sealed Permanent Memory with Inductive-Coupling Power and Data Link,"
IEEE Symposium on VLSI Circuits, Dig. Tech. Papers, pp. 26-27, June 2009.
247 S. Kawai, H. Ishikuro, and T. Kuroda,
"A 4.7 Gb/s Inductive Coupling Interposer with Dual Mode Modem,"
IEEE Symposium on VLSI Circuits, Dig. Tech. Papers, pp. 92-93, June 2009.
246 黒田忠広,
電子情報通信学会誌, vol. 92, no. 6, pp. 472-473, June 2009.
245 黒田忠広,
"無線で65チップを接続 SSDの体積を1/8へ,"
日経エレクトロニクス6月号 , pp. 77-85, June 2009.
244 黒田忠広,
最先端実装技術シンポジウム , pp. 62-74, June 2009.
243 春日一貴, 新津葵一, 黒田忠広,
"誘導結合リンクを用いた90nmプロセッサと65nm SRAMの三次元システム集積,"
ICD LSIとシステムのワークショップ2009 , May 2009.
242 黒田忠広,
"科学技術・研究開発の国際比較 2009年版,"
科学技術振興機構 , pp. 12-13, May 2009.
241 黒田忠広,
"パネル・ディスカッション TSVはどこまで低コスト化し普及するのか,"
TSVテクノロジ・コンファレンス2009 , pp. 75-80, Apr. 2009.
240 黒田忠広,
TSVテクノロジ・コンファレンス2009 , pp. 47-74, Apr. 2009.
239 黒田忠広,
"コストがほぼゼロの無線TSV まずはメモリーで実用化を狙う,"
日経マイクロデバイス4月号 , pp. 34-37, Apr. 2009.
238 Y. Hanai, Y. Hori, J. Nishimura, and T. Kuroda,
"Architecture Design of Versatile Recognition Processor for Sensornet Applications,"
IEEE Symposium on Low-Power and High-Speed Chips COOLChips XII, Apr. 2009.
237 N. Miura, Y. Kohama, Y. Sugimori, H. Ishikuro, T. Sakurai, and T. Kuroda,
"A High-Speed Inductive-Coupling Link with Burst Transmission,"
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits (JSSC), vol. 44, no. 3, pp. 947-955, Mar. 2009.
236 Y. Yoshida, K. Nose, Y. Nakagawa, K. Noguchi, Y. Morita, M. Tago, T. Kuroda, and M. Mizuno,
"Wireless DC Voltage Transmission Using Inductive-Coupling Channel for Highly-Parallel Wafer-Level Testing,"
Highlights of ISSCC 2009 - Beijing, China, Mar. 2009.
235 吉田洋一, 野瀬浩一, 中川源洋, 野口宏一郎, 森田泰弘, 田子雅基, 黒田忠広, 水野正之,
"Wireless DC Voltage Transmission Using Inductive-Coupling Channel for Highly-Parallel Wafer-Level Testing,"
ISSCC 2009 報告会 , Mar. 2009.
234 V. Kulkarni, M. Muqsith, K. Niitsu, H. Ishikuro, and T. Kuroda,
"A 750 Mb/s, 12 pJ/b, 6-to-10 GHz CMOS IR-UWB transmitter with embedded on-chip antenna,"
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits (JSSC), vol. 44, no. 2, pp. 394-403, Feb. 2009.
233 Y. Hanai, Y. Hori, J. Nishimura, and T. Kuroda,
"A Versatile Recognition Processor Employing Haar-Like Feature and Cascaded Classifier,"
IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC'09), Dig. Tech. Papers, pp. 148-149, Feb. 2009.
232 K. Niitsu, Y. Shimazaki, Y. Sugimori, Y. Kohama, K. Kasuga, I. Nonomura, M. Saen, S. Komatsu, K. Osada, N. Irie, T. Hattori, A. Hasegawa, and T. Kuroda,
"An Inductive-Coupling Link for 3D Integration of a 90nm CMOS Processor and a 65nm CMOS SRAM,"
IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC'09), Dig. Tech. Papers, pp. 480-481, Feb. 2009.
231 Y. Sugimori, Y. Kohama, M. Saito, Y. Yoshida, N. Miura, H. Ishikuro, T. Sakurai, and T. Kuroda,
"A 2Gb/s 15pJ/b/chip Inductive-Coupling Programmable Bus for NAND Flash Memory Stacking,"
IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC'09), Dig. Tech. Papers, pp. 244-245, Feb. 2009.
230 Y. Yoshida, K. Nose, Y. Nakagawa, K. Noguchi, Y. Morita, M. Tago, T. Kuroda, and M. Mizuno,
“Wireless DC Voltage Transmission Using Inductive-Coupling Channel for Highly-Parallel Wafer-Level Testing,”
IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC'09), Dig. Tech. Papers, pp. 470-471, Feb. 2009.
229 J. Nishimura and T. Kuroda,
"Speaker recognition using speaker-independent universal acoustic model and synchronous sensing for Business Microscope,"
International Symposium on Wireless Pervasive Computing (ISWPC), Feb. 2009.
228 S. Kawai, T. Ikari, Y. Takikawa, H. Ishikuro, and T. Kuroda,
"A Wireless Real-Time On-chip Bus Trace System,"
in 14th Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC'09), Jan. 2009.
227 X. Zhu, S. Tsukamoto, and T. Kuroda,
"A 1 GHz CMOS Comparator with Dynamic Offset Control Technique,"
in 14th Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC'09), Jan. 2009.
226 Y. Hanai, J. Nishimura, and T. Kuroda,
IEEE 13th Digital Signal Processing and 5th Signal Processing Education workshop, pp. 675-678, Jan. 2009.
225 J. Nishimura and T. Kuroda,
IEEE 13th Digital Signal Processing and 5th Signal Processing Education workshop, pp. 1-4, Jan. 2009.
224 J. Nishimura, N. Sato, and T. Kuroda,
"Speaker Siglet Detection for Business Microscope,"
AMLA/IEEE 7th Interrnational Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA), pp. 376-381, Dec. 2008.
223 J.Nishimura and T. Kuroda,
"Haar-like Filtering Based Speech Detection using Integral Signalsfor Sensornet,"
International Conference on Sensing Technology (ICST08), Proceedings, pp. 52-56, Dec. 2008.
222 S. Kawai,  T. Ikari, Y. Takikawa, H. Ishikuro, and T. Kuroda, 
"A Wireless Real-Time On-Chip Bus Trace System Using Quasi-Synchronous Parallel Inductive Coupling Transceivers," IEEE Asian Solid-State Circuits Conference (A-SSCC'08), Proc. Tech. Papers, pp. 113-116, Dec. 2008.
221 K. Niitsu, S. Kawai,  N. Miura, H. Ishikuro, and T. Kuroda, "A 65fJ/b Inductive-Coupling Inter-Chip Transceiver Using Charge Recycling Technique for Power-Aware 3D System Integration,"
IEEE Asian Solid-State Circuits Conference (A-SSCC'08), Proc. Tech. Papers, pp. 97-100, Nov. 2008.
220 Y. Yoshida, N. Miura, and T. Kuroda,
"A 2 Gb/s bi-directional inter-chip data transceiver with differential inductors for high density inductive channel array,"
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits (JSSC), vol. 43, no.11, pp. 2363-2369, Nov. 2008.
219 J. Nishimura and T. Kuroda, "Low Cost Speech Detection using Haar-like Filtering for Sensornet," The 9th International Conference on Signal Processing (ICSP08), Proceedings, vol. 3, pp. 2608-2611, Oct. 2008. pdf
218 X. Zhu, Y. Chen, M. Kibune, Y. Tomita, T. Hamada, H. Tamura, S. Tsukamoto, and T. Kuroda,
"A dynamic offset control technique for comparator design in scaled CMOS technology,"
IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference (CICC'08), Dig. Tech. Papers, pp. 495-498, Sep. 2008.
217 中川源洋, 吉田洋一, 野瀬浩一, 黒田忠広, 水野正之,
2008 IEICEソサイエティ大会 , Sep. 2008.
216 K. Niitsu, Y. Kohama, Y. Sugimori, K. Osada, N. Irie, H. Ishikuro, and T. Kuroda,
"Misalignment Tolerance in Inductive-Coupling Inter-Chip Link for 3D System Integration,"
International Conference on Solid-State Devices and Materials, pp. 86-87, Sep. 2008.
215 K. Niitsu, Y. Yuxiang, H. Ishikuro, and T. Kuroda,
"A 33% Improvement in Efficiency of Wireless Inter-Chip Power Delivery by Thin Film Magnetic Material,"
International Conference on Solid-State Devices and Materials, pp. 492-493, Sep. 2008.
214 V. Kulkarni and T. Kuroda,
"A 750Mb/s 12pJ/b 6-to-10GHz Digital UWB Transmitter,"
2008 KAIST-Keio-Tsinghua International Workshop on SoC, Sep. 2008.
213 K. Niitsu and T. Kuroda,
"Experimental Verification of Interference from Power/Signal Lines and to SRAM Circuits in Inductive-Coupling Inter-Chip Link,"
2008 KAIST-Keio-Tsinghua International Workshop on SoC, Sep. 2008.
212 N. Miura and T. Kuroda,
"A High-Speed Inductive-Coupling Link with Burst Transmission,"
2008 KAIST-Keio-Tsinghua International Workshop on SoC, Sep. 2008.
211 J. Nishimura and T. Kuroda,
"Speech Detection using Haar-like Filtering for Sensornet,"
2008 KAIST-Keio-Tsinghua International Workshop on SoC, Sep. 2008.
210 三浦典之, 黒田忠広,
エレクトロニクス実装学会誌 , vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 174-181, May 2008.
209 T. Kuroda,
"CMOS Proximity Inter-Chip Communications (Plenary Talk),"
The 5th International Workshop on Nanoscale Semiconductor Devices, Proceedings, pp. 3-45, May 2008.
208 J. Nishimura and T. Kuroda,
"Eating habits monitoring using wireless wearable in-ear microphone,"
International Symposium on Wireless Pervasive Computing (ISWPC08), pp. 130-133, May 2008.
207 Y. Yuxiang, Y. Yoshida, N. Yamagish, and T. Kuroda,
"Chip-to-Chip Power Delivery by Inductive Coupling with Ripple Canceling Scheme,"
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics (JJAP), vol. 47, no.4, Apr. 2008.
206 J. Nishimura, N. Sato, and T. Kuroda,
"Speech Siglet Detection For Business Microscope,"
IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom), pp. 147-152, Mar. 2008.
205 T. Shibasaki, H. Tamura, K. Kanda, H. Yamaguchi, J. Ogawa, and T. Kuroda,
"20-GHz quadrature injection-locked LC dividers with enhanced locking range,"
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits (JSSC), vol. 43, no. 3, pp. 610-618, Mar. 2008.
204 D. Mizoguchi, N. Miura, H. Ishikuro, and T. Kuroda,
"Constant Magnetic Field Scaling in Inductive-Coupling Data Link,"
IEICE Transactions on Electronics, Vol. E91-C, No. 2, pp. 200- 205, Feb. 2008.
203 L. Lechang, M. Takamiya, T. Sekitani, Y. Noguchi, S. Nakano,
K. Zaitsu, T. Kuroda, T. Someya, and T. Sakurai,
"A 107pJ/b 100kb/s 0.18um Capacitive-Coupling Transceiver for Printable Communication Sheet,"
IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC'08), Dig. Tech. Papers,
pp. 292-614, Feb. 2008.
202 N. Miura, Y. Kohama, Y. Sugimori, H. Ishikuro, T. Sakurai, and T. Kuroda,
"An 11Gb/s Inductive-Coupling Link with Burst Transmission,"
IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC'08), Dig. Tech. Papers, pp. 298-299, Feb. 2008.
201 黒田忠広,
"科学技術・研究開発の国際比較 2008年版,"
科学技術振興機構 , p. 8, p. 22, Feb. 2008.
200 Y. Yuxiang, Y. Yoshida, and T. Kuroda,
"Non-Contact 10% Efficient 36mW Power Delivery Using On-Chip Inductor in 0.18-um CMOS,"
電子情報通信学会集積回路研究会 , Jan. 2008.
199 N. Miura, H. Ishikuro, K. Niitsu, T. Sakurai, and T. Kuroda,
"A 0.14pJ/b inductive-coupling transceiver with digitally-controlled precise pulse shaping,"
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits (JSSC), vol. 43, no. 1, pp. 285-291, Jan. 2008.
198 T. Kuroda,
"Wireless Proximity Communications for 3D System Integration,"
IEEE International Workshop on Radio-Frequency Integration Technology (RFIT'07), pp. 21-25, Dec. 2007.
197 N. Nedovic, N. Tzartzanis, H. Tamura, F.M. Rotella, M. Wiklund, Y. Mizutani, Y. Okaniwa, T. Kuroda, J. Ogawa, and W.W. Walker,
"A 40-44 Gb/s 3× oversampling CMOS CDR/1:16 DEMUX,"
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits (JSSC), vol. 42, no. 12, pp. 2726-2735, Dec. 2007.
196 H. Ishikuro, N. Miura, and T. Kuroda,
"Wideband Inductive-coupling Interface for High-performance Portable System,"
IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference (CICC'07), Dig. Tech. Papers, pp. 13-20, Sep. 2007.
195 N. Miura and T. Kuroda,
"Inductive-Coupling Transceiver for 3D System Integrarion,"
Proc. 2007 International Conference on Integrated Circuit Design and Technology (ICICDT),
pp. 1-4, May 2007.
194 黒田忠広,
電子情報通信学会誌, vol. 90, no. 11, pp. 977-981, Nov. 2007.
193 吉田洋一, 三浦典之, 黒田忠広,
“2Gb/s 双方向送受信器を用いた三次元積層チップ間誘導結合インタフェースの高密度化,”
第11回システムLSIワークショップ, Nov. 2007.
192 K. Niitsu, Y. Sugimori, Y. Kohama, K. Osada, N. Irie, H. Ishikuro, and T. Kuroda,
“Interference from Power/Signal Lines and to SRAM Circuits in
65nm CMOS Inductive-Coupling Link,”
IEEE Asian Solid-State Circuits Conference (A-SSCC'07), Proc. Tech. Papers, pp. 131-134, Nov. 2007.
191 Y. Yoshida, N. Miura, and T. Kuroda,
“A 2Gb/s Bi-Directional Inter-Chip Data Transceiver with
Differential Inductors for High Density Inductive Channel Array,”
IEEE Asian Solid-State Circuits Conference (A-SSCC'07), Proc. Tech. Papers, pp. 127-130, Nov. 2007.
190 Y. Yuxiang, Y. Yoshida, and T. Kuroda,
“Non-Contact 10% Efficient 36mW Power Delivery Using On-Chip Inductor in 0.18-um CMOS,”
IEEE Asian Solid-State Circuits Conference (A-SSCC'07), Proc. Tech. Papers, pp. 115-118, Nov. 2007.
189 A. Kumar, N. Miura, and T. Kuroda,
“Capacitor-Shunted Transmitter for Power Reduction in Inductive-Coupling Clock Link,”
Solid State Devices and Materials (SSDM'07), Extended Abstracts, pp. 1068-1069, Sep. 2007.
188 Y. Yuxiang, Y. Yoshida, N. Yamagishi, and T. Kuroda,
“Chip-to-Chip Power Delivery by Inductive Coupling with Ripple Cancelling Scheme,”
Solid State Devices and Materials (SSDM'07), Extended Abstracts, pp. 502-503, Sep. 2007.
187 V. Kulkarni, M. Muqsith, H. Ishikuro, and T. Kuroda,
"A 750Mb/s 12pJ/b 6-to-10GHz Digital UWB Transmitter,"
IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference (CICC'07), Dig. Tech. Papers, pp. 647-650, Sep. 2007.
186 T. Shibasaki and T. Kuroda,
"A 20-GHz Injection-Locked LC Divider with a 25-% Locking Range,"
2007 KAIST-Keio-Tsinghua International Workshop on SoC, June 2007.
185 N. Yamagishi, Y. Hori, and T. Kuroda,
"A 0.79mm2 29mW Real-Time Face Detection IP Core,"
2007 KAIST-Keio-Tsinghua International Workshop on SoC, June 2007.
184 H. Ishikuro,
"An Attachable Wireless Chip Access Interface Using Pulse-Based Inductive-Coupling through
LSI Package,"
2007 KAIST-Keio-Tsinghua International Workshop on SoC, June 2007.
183 Y. Shimazaki,
"Low Power Techniques for Mobile Processors,"
2007 KAIST-Keio-Tsinghua International Workshop on SoC, June 2007.
182 N. Miura and T. Kuroda,
"Inductive-Coupling Transceiver for 3D Chipstacks,"
2007 KAIST-Keio-Tsinghua International Workshop on SoC, June 2007.
181 吉田洋一, 黒田忠広,
"90nm CMOS 誘導結合トランシーバ,"
VDEC ASPLA応募スキーム報告会, May 2007.
180 Y. Hori and T. Kuroda,
"A 0.79-mm2 29-mW real-time face detection core,"
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits (JSSC), vol. 42, no.3, pp. 790-797, Apr. 2007.
179 三浦典之, 石黒仁揮, 桜井貴康, 黒田忠広,
"0.14pJ/b 誘導結合トランシーバ,"
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告, vol. 107, no. 1, pp. 65-69, Apr. 2007.
178 K. Niitsu, N. Miura, M. Inoue, Y. Nakagawa, M. Tago, M. Mizuno, H. Ishikuro, and T. Kuroda,
"60% Power Reduction in Inductive-Coupling Inter-Chip Link by Current-Sensing Technique,"
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 46, no. 4B, pp. 2215-2219, Apr. 2007.
177 Y. Zhan, S. Miura, J. Nishimura, and T. Kuroda,
"Human Activity Recognition from Environmental Background Sounds for Wireless Sensor Networks,"
IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control (ICNSC2007),
pp. 307-312, Apr. 2007.
176 T. Shibasaki, H. Tamura, K. Kanda, H. Yamaguchi, J. Ogawa, and T. Kuroda,
"18-GHz Clock Distribution Using a Coupled VCO Array,"
IEICE Trans. Electron, vol. E90-C, no. 4, pp. 811-822, Apr. 2007.
175 K. Niitsu, N. Miura, M. Inoue, Y. Nakagawa, M. Tago, M. Mizuno, T. Sakurai, and T. Kuroda,
"Daisy Chain Transmitter for Power Reduction in Inductive-Coupling CMOS Link,"
IEICE Trans. Electron, vol. E90-C, no. 4, pp. 829-835, Apr. 2007.
174 Y. Tomita, H. Tamura, M. Kibune, J. Ogawa, K. Gotoh, and T. Kuroda,
"A 20-Gb/s simultaneous bidirectional transceiver using a resistor-transconductor hybrid in 0.11-µm CMOS,"
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits (JSSC), vol. 42, no. 4, pp. 627-636, Mar. 2007.
173 黒田忠広,
電子情報通信学会誌, vol. 90, no. 3, pp. 191-195, Mar. 2007.
172 N. Nedovic, N. Tzartzanis, H. Tamura, F. Rotella, M. Wiklund, Y. Mizutani, Y. Okaniwa, T. Kuroda, J. Ogawa, W. Walker,
"A 40-to-44Gb/s 3x— Oversampling CMOS CDR/1:16 DEMUX,"
IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC'07), Dig. Tech. Papers,
pp. 224-225, Feb. 2007.
171 N. Miura, H. Ishikuro, T. Sakurai, and T. Kuroda,
"A 0.14pJ/b Inductive-Coupling Inter-Chip Data Transceiver with
Digitally-Controlled Precise Pulse Shaping,"
IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC'07), Dig. Tech. Papers,
pp. 264-265, Feb. 2007.
170 H. Ishikuro, T. Sugahara, and T. Kuroda,
"An Attachable Wireless Chip Access Interface for Arbitrary Data Rate by Using Pulse-Based Inductive-Coupling through LSI Package,"
IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC'07), Dig. Tech. Papers,
pp. 360-361,608, Feb. 2007.
169 N. Miura, T. Sakurai, and T. Kuroda,
"Crosstalk countermeasures for high-density inductive-coupling channel array,"
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits (JSSC), vol. 42, no. 2, pp. 410-421, Feb. 2007.
168 N. Miura, D. Mizoguchi, M. Inoue, K. Niitsu, Y. Nakagawa, M. Tago, M. Fukaishi, T. Sakurai, and T. Kuroda,
"A 1Tb/s 3W inductive-coupling transceiver for 3D-stacked inter-chip clock and data link,"
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits (JSSC), vol. 42, no. 1, pp. 111-122, Jan. 2007.
167 N. Miura and T. Kuroda,
"A 1Tb/s 3W Inductive-Coupling Transceiver Chip,"
12th Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC'07), pp. 92-93, Jan. 2007.
166 D. Mizoguchi, N. Miura, H. Ishikuro, and T. Kuroda,
"Constant Magnetic Field Scaling in Inductive-Coupling Data Link,"
International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials (SSDM'06), pp. 606-607, Sep. 2006.
165 K. Onizuka, H. Kawaguchi, M. Takamiya,T. Kuroda, and T. Sakurai,
"Chip-to-Chip Inductive Wireless Power Transmission System for SiP Applications,"
in Proc. IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference (CICC’06), pp. 575-578, May 2006.
164 黒田忠広, 井上眞梨,
河合塾、栄冠めざしてSPECIAL特集号, p. 81, 2006.
163 T. Kuroda,
"Future Digital Link,"
IEEE Asian Solid-State Circuits Conference (A-SSCC'06), p. 454, Oct. 2006.
162 黒田忠広,
"2006 IEEE Symposium on VLSI Circuits報告,"
低消費電力・高速LSI技術懇談会, Sep. 2006.
161 三浦典之,
VDECデザイナーフォーラム, Sep. 2006.
160 三浦典之, 黒田忠広,
"90nm CMOS 誘導結合トランシーバ,"
VDEC ASPLA応募スキーム報告会, Sep. 2006.
159 T. Kuroda and N. Miura,
"Perspective of Low-Power and High-Speed Wireless Inter-Chip Communications for
SiP Integration (Plenary),"
2006 European Solid-State Circuits Conference (ESSCIRC'06), Dig. Tech. Papers,
pp. 3-6, Sep. 2006.
158 N. Miura, Y. Nakagawa, M. Tago, M. Fukaishi,
T. Sakurai, and T. Kuroda,
"A 1Tb/s 3W Inductive-Coupling Transceiver for 3D ICs,"
2006 Intenational PhD Workshop on SoC (IPS), July 2006.
157 Y. Hori, M. Kusaka, and T. Kuroda,
"A 0.79mm2 29mW Real-Time Face Detection Core,"
IEEE Symposium on VLSI Circuits, Dig. Tech. Papers, pp. 188-189, June 2006.
156 T. Shibasaki, H. Tamura, K. Kanda, H. Yamaguchi, J. Ogawa, and T. Kuroda,
"A 20-GHz Injection-Locked LC Divider with a 25-% Locking Range,"
IEEE Symposium on VLSI Circuits, Dig. Tech. Papers, pp. 212-213, June 2006.
155 M. Inoue, N. Miura, K. Niitsu, Y. Nakagawa, M. Tago, M. Fukaishi, T. Sakurai, and T. Kuroda,
"Daisy Chain for Power Reduction in Inductive-Coupling CMOS Link,"
IEEE Symposium on VLSI Circuits, Dig. Tech. Papers, pp. 80-81, June 2006.
154 富田安基, 田村泰孝, 木船雅也, 小川淳二, 後藤公太郎, 黒田忠広,
電子情報通信学会技報 vol. 106, no. 71, ICD2006-39, pp. 101-104, May 2006.
153 三浦典之, 溝口大介, 井上眞梨, 新津 葵一, 中川源洋, 田子雅基, 深石宗生, 桜井貴康, 黒田忠広,
"1Tb/s 3W チップ間誘導結合クロックデータトランシーバ,"
電子情報通信学会技報 vol.106, no.71, ICD2006-22~39, pp. 95-100, May 2006.
152 黒田忠広,
SEAJ Journal 2006. 5 No. 102, pp. 35-37, May 2006.
151 三浦典之, 黒田忠広,
"1Tb/s 3W 三次元積層チップ間誘導結合インタフェース,"
第8回LSI IPデザインアワード, May 2006.
150 D. Mizoguchi, N. Miura, Y. Yoshida, N. Yamagishi, and T. Kuroda,
"Measurement of Inductive Coupling in Wireless Superconnect,"
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics (JJAP), vol. 45, no. 4B, pp. 3286-3289, Apr. 2006.
149 T. Terada, S. Yoshizumi, M. Muqsith, Y. Sanada, and T. Kuroda,
"A CMOS ultra-wideband impulse radio transceiver for 1-Mb/s data communications and 2.5-cm range finding,"
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits (JSSC), pp. 891-898, Apr. 2006.
148 黒田忠広,
"パネル討論: Lifestyle Revolution Brought by Emerging Technology,"
NECテクノロジーフォーラム, Apr. 2006.
147 黒田忠広,
"チップ間を1Tビット/秒で伝送できる無線通信技術を開発 磁界結合を利用,"
Nikkei Electronics, pp. 137-148, Mar. 2006.
146 黒田忠広,
電子情報通信学会誌, vol. 89, no. 2, pp. 96-101, Feb. 2006.
145 N. Miura, D. Mizoguchi, M. Inoue, K. Niitsu, Y. Nakagawa, M. Tago,
M. Fukaishi, T. Sakurai, and T. Kuroda,
"A 1Tb/s 3W Inductive-Coupling Transceiver for Inter-Chip Clock and Data Link,"
IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC'06), Dig. Tech. Papers,
pp. 424-425, Feb. 2006.
144 Y. Tomita, H. Tamura, M. Kibune, J. Ogawa, K. Gotoh, and T. Kuroda,
"A 20Gb/s Bidirectional Transceiver Using a Resistor-Transconductor Hybrid,"
IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC'06), Dig. Tech. Papers,
pp. 518-519, Feb. 2006.
143 N. Miura, D. Mizoguchi, M. Inoue, T. Sakurai, and T. Kuroda,
"A 195-Gb/s 1.2-W inductive inter-chip wireless superconnect with transmit power control scheme for 3-D-stacked system in a package,"
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits (JSSC), vol. 41, no. 1, pp. 23-34, Jan. 2006.
142 A. Kumar, N. Miura, M. Muqsith, and T. Kuroda,
"Active Crosstalk Cancel for High-Density Inductive Inter-Chip Wireless Communication,"
International Conference on VLSI Design, pp. 137-148, Jan. 2006.
141 T. Kuroda,
"System LSI: Challenges and Opportunities (Keynote),"
4th EU-Japan Joint Symposium on Plasma Processes, Jan. 2006.
140 S. Miura, Y. Zhan, and T. Kuroda,
"Evaluation of Parking Search using Sensor Network,"
IEEE International Symposium on Wireless Pervasive Computing 2006, Jan. 2006.
139 三浦典之, 黒田忠広,
"195Gb/s 1.2W 三次元積層チップ間誘導結合インタフェース,"
第9回システムLSIワークショップ, Nov. 2005.
138 "Si貫通 チップの構造革命,"
Nikkei Electronics, pp. 82-99, Oct. 2005.
137 T. Kuroda,
"Power Reduction in High-Speed Inter-Chip Data Communications,"
IEEE 6th International Conference on ASIC (ASICON 2005), pp. 3-7, Oct. 2005.
136 黒田忠広,
"2005 IEEE Symposium on VLSI Circuits Report,"
Electronic Journal, pp. 78-79, Oct. 2005.
135 D. Mizoguchi, N. Miura, Y. Yoshida, N. Yamagishi, and T. Kuroda,
"Measurement of Inductive Coupling in Wireless Superconnect,"
International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials (SSDM'05), pp. 670-671, Sep. 2005.
134 黒田忠広, 眞田幸俊,
STARC技術移転セミナー, Sep. 2005.
133 黒田忠広,
STARCワークショップ, Sep. 2005.
132 T. Kuroda,
"Power-aware Data Communications,"
FLA Special Seminar, Sep. 2005.
131 T. Kuroda,
"System LSI: Challenges and Opportunities,"
COE 4th Hiroshima International Workshop, pp. 11-21, Sep. 2005.
130 Y. Okaniwa, H. Tamura, M. Kibune, D. Yamazaki, T. S. Cheung, J. Ogawa,
N. Tzartzanis, W. W. Walker, and T. Kuroda,
"A 40-Gb/s CMOS clocked comparator with bandwidth modulation technique,"
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits (JSSC), vol. 40, no. 8, pp. 1680-1687, Aug. 2005.
129 M. Muqsith and T. Kuroda,
"A CMOS Impulse Radio Ultra-Wideband Transceiver for 1Mb/s Data Communications and
±2.5cm Range Findings,"
The 2nd KAIST-KEIO-TSINGHUA University VLSI Design & SoC Workshop, Aug. 2005.
128 H. Tsuji and T. Kuroda,
"A Study on a Hybrid Architecture A/D Converter,"
The 2nd KAIST-KEIO-TSINGHUA University VLSI Design & SoC Workshop, Aug. 2005.
127 S. Miura and T. Kuroda,
"A Study on Parking Search using Wireless Sensor Network,"
The 2nd KAIST-KEIO-TSINGHUA University VLSI Design & SoC Workshop, Aug. 2005.
126 M. Kusaka and T. Kuroda,
"A Study on Real-time Face Detection LSI Using Genetic Algorithm,"
The 2nd KAIST-KEIO-TSINGHUA University VLSI Design & SoC Workshop, Aug. 2005.
125 N. Miura and T. Kuroda,
"A 195Gb/s 1.2W 3D-Stacked Inductive Inter-Chip Wireless Superconnect with
Transmit Power Control Scheme,"
The 2nd KAIST-KEIO-TSINGHUA University VLSI Design & SoC Workshop, Aug. 2005.
124 Y. Tomita and T. Kuroda,
"A 10Gb/s Receiver with Series Equalizer and On-chip ISI Monitor in 0.11um CMOS,"
The 2nd KAIST-KEIO-TSINGHUA University VLSI Design & SoC Workshop, Aug. 2005.
123 黒田忠広,
"2005 VLSI 回路シンポジウム報告,"
「応用物理」第74巻第9号(2005年9月号)ぶらっくぼーど欄, p. 1249, Sep. 2005.
122 黒田忠広,
"2005 VLSI サーキットシンポジウム報告,"
工業調査会『電子材料』, pp. 74-75, Sep. 2005.
121 黒田忠広,
"2005 IEEE Symposium on VLSI Circuits Report,"
Electronic Journal, pp. 62-63, July 2005.
120 T. Terada, S. Yoshizumi, Y. Sanada, and T. Kuroda,
"A CMOS Impulse Radio Ultra-Wideband Transceiver for
1Mb/s Data Communications and ±2.5cm Range Findings,"
IEEE Symposium on VLSI Circuits, Dig. Tech. Papers, pp. 30-33, June 2005.
119 三浦典之, 溝口大介, 井上眞梨, 桜井貴康, 黒田忠広,
"195Gb/s 1.2W 電力制御機能付き3次元積層型誘導結合無線超配線,"
電子情報通信学会技報 vol. 105, no. 96, ICD2005-28~39, pp. 45-50, May 2005.
118 D. Mizoguchi, N. Miura, M. Inoue, and T. Kuroda,
"Design of Transceiver Circuits for NRZ Signaling in Inductive Inter-chip Wireless Superconnect,"
2005 International Conference on Integrated Circuit Design and Technology (ICICDT),
pp. 59-62, May 2005.
117 Y. Tomita, M. Kibune, J. Ogawa, W. Walker, H. Tamura, and T. Kuroda,
"A 10-Gb/s receiver with series equalizer and on-chip ISI monitor in 0.11-um CMOS,"
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits (JSSC), vol. 40, no. 40, pp. 986-993, Apr. 2005.
116 N. Miura, D. Mizoguchi, T. Sakurai, and T. Kuroda,
"Analysis and design of inductive coupling and transceiver circuit for inductive inter-chip wireless superconnect,"
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits (JSSC), vol.40, no.4, pp. 829-837, Apr. 2005.
115 黒田忠広,
Nikkei Microdevices, pp. 74-75, Mar. 2005.
114 N. Miura, D. Mizoguchi, M. Inoue, H. Tsuji, T. Sakurai, and T. Kuroda,
"A 195Gb/s 1.2W 3D-Stacked Inductive Inter-Chip Wireless Superconnect with Transmit Power Control Scheme,"
IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC'05), Dig. Tech. Papers, pp. 264-265, Feb. 2005.

日経サイエンス2005年1月号, Dec. 2004.

112 T. Kuroda,
"CICC 2004 Report,"
Electronic Journal, pp. 118-119, Nov. 2004.
111 古川潤, 眞田幸俊, 黒田忠広,
電子情報通信学会 ワイドバンドシステム研究会 (WBS), Oct. 2004.
110 N. Miura, D. Mizoguchi, T. Sakurai, and T. Kuroda,
"Cross Talk Countermeasures in Inductive Inter-Chip Wireless Superconnect,"
in Proc. IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference (CICC'04), pp. 99-102, Oct. 2004.
109 J. Furukawa, Y. Sanada, and T. Kuroda,
"Novel Initial Acquisition Scheme for IR-UWB Systems in Multipath Channel,"
in Proc. the Seventh International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications, Vol.1, pp. 45-49, Sep. 2004.
108 Y. Hori and T. Kuroda,
"A Study on Real-Time Face Detection LSI Using Genetic Algorithm as an Application of Wireless Interconnect Technologies for LSI Chip,"
Internatinal Workshop on Optical and Electronic Device Technology for Access Network,
Sep. 2004.
107 Y. Okaniwa and T. Kuroda,
"A Study on a 40-Gb/s Clocked Comparator in CMOS Technology for Chip-to-chip Interconnect Technology,"
Internatinal Workshop on Optical and Electronic Device Technology for Access Network, Sep. 2004.
106 Y. Tomita and T. Kuroda,
"CMOS Equalizer and ISI Monitor for High-Speed Data Communication,"
Internatinal Workshop on Optical and Electronic Device Technology for Access Network, Sep. 2004.
105 T. Kuroda,
"Wireless Super-Connect for System-in-a-Package,"
COE International Workshop, Sep. 2004.
104 黒田忠広,
「応用物理」第73巻第9号(2004年9月号), pp. 1184-1187, Sep. 2004.
103 黒田忠広,
"2004 Simposium on VLSI Circuits報告,"
「応用物理」第73巻第9号(2004年9月号)ぶらっくぼーど欄, Sep. 2004.
102 黒田忠広,
STARCシンポジウム, pp. 91-123, Sep. 2004.
101 黒田忠広,
"2004 VLSI サーキットシンポジウム報告,"
工業調査会『電子材料』, pp. 76-77, Sep. 2004.
100 黒田忠広,
DAFS技術セミナー応用編, Sep. 2004.
99 三浦典之, 溝口大介, ユスミラズ・ビンティ・ユスフ, 桜井貴康, 黒田忠広,
電子情報通信学会技報, vol.104, no.248, SDM2004-120~139, pp. 73-78, Aug. 2004.
98 Y. Hori, K. Shimizu, Y. Nakamura, and T. Kuroda,
"A Real-Time Multi Face Detection Technique Using Positive-Negative Lines-of-Face Template,"
International Conference on Pattern Recognition, vol. 1, no. 7, Aug. 2004.
97 黒田忠広,
"2004 Symposium onVLSI Circuitsレポート,"
Electronic Journal 7月号, pp. 74-75, July 2004.
96 黒田忠広,
Electronic Journal 82th Technical Symposium, pp. 79-98, June 2004.
95 Y. Tomita, M. Kibune, J. Ogawa, W. Walker, H. Tamura, and T. Kuroda,
"A 10Gb/s Receiver with Equalizer and On-chip ISI Monitor in 0.11µm CMOS,"
IEEE Symposium on VLSI Circuits, Dig. Tech. Papers, pp. 202-205, June 2004.
94 Y. Okaniwa, H. Tamura, M. Kibune, D. Yamazaki, T. Cheung, J. Ogawa, N. Tzartzanis, W. Walker, and T. Kuroda,
"A 0.11µm CMOS Clocked Comparator for High-Speed Serial Communications,"
IEEE Symposium on VLSI Circuits, Dig. Tech. Papers, pp. 198-201, June 2004.
93 N. Miura, D. Mizoguchi, Y. Yusof, T. Sakurai, and T. Kuroda,
"Analysis and Design of Transceiver Circuit and Inductor Layout for Inductive Inter-chip Wireless Superconnect,"
IEEE Symposium on VLSI Circuits, Dig. Tech. Papers, pp. 246-249, June 2004.

古川潤, 眞田幸俊, 黒田忠広,
電子情報通信学会総合大会, A-5-43, May 2004.

91 古川潤, 眞田幸俊, 黒田忠広,
電子情報通信学会技術報告, WBS2003-168, May 2004.
90 J. Furukawa, Y. Sanada, and T. Kuroda,
"Novel Initial Acquisition Scheme for Impulse Based UWB Systems,"
in Proc. Joint International Workshop on Ultra Wideband Systems & IEEE Conference on Ultra Wideband Systems and Technologies 2004, May 2004.
89 T. Terada, S. Yoshizumi, Y. Sanada, and T. Kuroda,
"Transceiver Circuits for Pulse-Based Ultra-WideBand,"
in Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS’04),
pp. 4349-4352, May 2004.
88 黒田忠広,
SoC/SiPディべロッパーズ・コンファレンス2004, pp. B4/1-B4/21, May 2004.
87 D. Mizoguchi, Y.Yusof, N. Miura, T. Sakurai, and T. Kuroda,
"A 1.2Gb/s/pin Wireless Superconnect Based on Inductive Inter-Chip Signaling,"
電子情報通信学会技報, vol. 104, no. 67, ICD2004-23~36, pp. 31-36, May 2004.
86 寺田 崇秀, 善積 真吾, 黒田 忠広,
第一回 シリコンアナログRF研究会, Apr. 2004.
85 D. Mizoguchi, Y.Yusof, N. Miura, T. Sakurai, and T. Kuroda,
"A 1.2Gb/s/pin Wireless Superconnect Based on Inductive Inter-Chip Signaling,"
電気学会ULSIインターコネクト材料技術調査専門委員会, Mar. 2004.
84 D. Mizoguchi, Y.Yusof, N. Miura, T. Sakurai, and T. Kuroda,
"A 1.2Gb/s/pin Wireless Superconnect Based on Inductive Inter-Chip Signaling,"
ISSCC2004報告会, Mar. 2004.
83 D. Mizoguchi, Y. B. Yusof, N. Miura, T. Sakurai, and T. Kuroda,
"A 1.2Gb/s/pin Wireless Superconnect based on Inductive Inter-chip Signaling (IIS),"
IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC'04), Dig. Tech. Papers, pp. 142-143, Feb. 2004.
82 N. Miura, N. Kato, and T. Kuroda,
"Practical methodology of post-layout gate sizing for 15% more power saving,"
in Proc. ACM Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASPDAC'04), pp. 434-437, Jan. 2004.

"{デバイス・実装・回路・システム} 総合設計,"
電子情報技術産業協会極限CMOS専門委員会, Nov. 2003.

80 S. Yoshizumi, T. Terada, J. Furukawa, Y. Sanada, and T. Kuroda,
"All Digital Transmitter Scheme and Transceiver Design for Pulse-Based Ultra-Wideband Radio,"
IEEE Ultra Wideband Systems and Technologies (UWBST’03), pp. 438-442, Nov. 2003.
79 H. Tsuda, T. Nakahara, Y. Mizutani and T. Kuroda,
"High-speed on-chip and inter-chip optical interconnect technology for Tbit/s communication,"
the 87th OSA Annual Meeting, WI1, Oct. 5-9, 2003.
78 T. Kuroda,
"10 Tips for Low Power CMOS Design,"
in Proc. ACM Design Automation Conference (DAC’03), tutorial, June 2003.
77 神田 浩一, ダナルドノ ドゥイ アントノ, 石田 光一, 川口 博, 黒田 忠広, 桜井 貴康,
"1.27Gb/s/pin 3mW/pin Wireless Superconnect (WSC) Interface Scheme,"
電子情報通信学会 集積回路研究会, May 2003.
76 T. Kuroda,
"Future Mobile Phones: A Beautiful Dream or Smoke in LSI Technology,"
IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC'03),
panel discussion, pp. 292-293, Feb. 2003.
75 K. Kanda, D. D. Antono, K. Ishida, H. Kawaguchi, T. Kuroda, and T. Sakurai,
"1.27-Gbps/pin, 3mW/pin Wireless Superconnect (WSC) Interface Scheme,"
IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC'03), pp. 186-187, Feb. 2003.
74 T. Kuroda,
"Will SOI ever become a mainstream technology?,"
IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM’02),
Dig. Tech. Papers, panel discussion, p. 609, Dec. 2002.
73 黒田忠広,
"RF Microelectronics,"
REALIZEマイクロ波基礎講座, Sep. 2002.

トヨタ東富士研究所「FC21トーク」, Sep. 2002.

71 黒田忠広,
超伝導ニュース第50号, Sep. 2002.
70 T. Kuroda,
"UWB (Ultra-Wideband) - Great transformation in centennial anniversary of wireless communications -,"
CIAJ Journal, pp. 18-22, July 2002.
69 T. Kuroda,
"CICC 2002 Report,"
Electronic Journal, pp. 74-75, June 2002.
68 黒田忠広,
"Mooreの法則の限界 PCではない新しい目標から,"
Electronic Journal, p. 39, Apr. 2002.
67 T. Kuroda,
"CMOS design challenges to power wall (plenary),"
International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference, Dig. Tech. Papers, pp. 6-7, Oct. 2001.
66 T. Kuroda,
International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials (SSDM’01) Short Course B, Sep. 2001.
65 T. Kuroda,
"Low power CMOS design challenges,"
IEICE Trans. Electronics, vol. E84-C, no. 8, pp. 1021-1028, Aug. 2001.
64 黒田忠広,
電子情報通信学会誌, vol. 84, no. 8 pp. 552-558, Aug. 2001.
63 T. Kuroda,
"2001 IEEE Symposium on VLSI Circuits Report,"
Electronic Journal, pp. 86-87, Jul. 2001.
62 T. Kuroda,
"2001 CICC Report,"
Electronic Journal, pp. 86-87, Jul. 2001.
61 K. Agawa, H. Hara, T. Takayanagi, and T. Kuroda,
"A bit-line leakage compensation scheme for low-voltage SRAM’s,"
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits (JSSC), vol. 36, no. 5, May 2001.
60 M. Hamada, Y. Ootaguro, and T. Kuroda,
"Utilizing surplus timing for power reduction,"
in Proc. IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference (CICC’01), pp. 89-92, May 2001.
59 黒田忠広,
REALIZE理工学院, pp. 1-177, Jan. 2001.
58 R. Inanami, S. Magoshi, S. Kousai, M. Hamada, T. Takayanagi, K. Sugihara, K. Okumura, and T. Kuroda,
"Throughput enhancement strategy of maskless electron beam direct writing for logic device,"
IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM 2000), Dig. Tech. Papers, 36.2, Dec. 2000.
57 T. Kuroda, T. Fujita, F. Hatori, T. Sakurai,
"Variable threshold-voltage CMOS technology,"
IEICE Trans. on Electronics, vol. E83C, no. 11, pp.1705-1715, Nov. 2000.
56 M. Takahashi, T. Nishikawa, M. Hamada, T. Takayanagi, H. Arakida, N. Machida, H. Yamamoto, T. Fujiyoshi, Y. Ohashi, O. Yamagishi, T. Samata, A. Asano, T. Terazawa, K. Ohmori, Y. Watanabe, H. Nakamura, S. Minami, T. Kuroda, and T. Furuyama,
"A 60-MHz 240-mW MPEG-4 videophone LSI with 16-Mbit embedded DRAM,"
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits (JSSC), vol. 35, no. 11, Nov. 2000.
55 黒田忠広,
"IT時代の集積回路の競争軸 低電力、低コスト、そして、短期開発,"
Electronic Journal, p. 39, Oct. 2000.
54 T. Kuroda,
"CICC 2000 Report,"
Electronic Journal, pp. 76-77, July 2000.
53 K. Agawa, H. Hara, T. Takayanagi, and T. Kuroda,
"A bit-line leakage compensation scheme for low-voltage SRAM’s,"
IEEE Symposium on VLSI Circuits, Dig. Tech. Papers, pp. 70-71, June 2000.
52 T. Kuroda and M. Hamada,
"Low-power CMOS digital design with dual embedded adaptive power supplies,"
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits (JSSC), vol. 35, no. 4, pp. 652-655, Apr. 2000.
51 T. Nishikawa, M. Takahashi, M. Hamada, T. Takayanagi, H. Arakida, N. Machida, H. Yamamoto, T. Fujiyoshi, Yoko Matsumoto, O. Yamagishi, T. Samata, A. Asano, T. Terazawa, K. Ohmori, J. Shirakura, Y. Watanabe, H. Nakamura, S. Minami, T. Kuroda, and T. Furuyama,
"A 60MHz 240mW MPEG-4 video-phone LSI with 16Mbit embedded DRAM,"
IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC'00), Dig. Tech. Papers, pp. 230-231, Feb. 2000.
50 黒田忠広,
日本テクノセンター, pp. 1-28, Oct. 1999.
49 F. Ichiba, K. Suzuki, S. Mita, T. Kuroda, and T. Furuyama,
"Variable supply-voltage scheme with 95%-efficiency DC-DC converter for MPEG-4 codec,"
in Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design (ISLPED’99), pp. 54-59, Aug. 1999.

情報処理学会論文誌,vol. 40, no. 4, pp. 1500-1506, Apr. 1999.

47 M. Hamada, T. Terazawa, T. Higashi, S. Kitabayashi, S. Mita, Y. Watanabe, M. Ashino, H. Hara, and T. Kuroda,
"Flip-flop Selection Technique for Power-delay Trade-off,"
IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC'99), Dig. Tech. Papers, pp. 270-271, Feb. 1999.
46 M. Takahashi, M. Hamada, T. Nishikawa, H. Arakida, T. Fujita, F. Hatori, S. Mita, K. Suzuki, A. Chiba, T. Terasawa, F. Sano, Y. Watanabe, K. Usami, M. Igarashi, T. Ishikawa, M. Kanazawa, T. Kuroda, and T. Furuyama,
"A 60mW MPEG4 video codec using clustered voltage scaling with variable supply-voltage scheme,"
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits (JSSC), vol. 33, no. 11, pp. 1772-1780, Nov. 1998.
45 黒田忠広,
"Low Power CMOS LSI Design Techniques,"
日本テクノセンター, pp. 1-32, Oct. 1998.
44 T. Kuroda,
"Low Power CMOS LSI Design Techniques,"
ISS Seminar, pp. 1-53, Sep. 1998.
43 M. Hamada, M. Takahashi, H. Arakida, A. Chiba, T. Terazawa, T. Ishikawa, M. Kanazawa, M. Igarashi, K. Usami, and T. Kuroda,
"A top-down low power design technique using clustered voltage scaling with variable supply-voltage scheme,"
in Proc. IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference (CICC’98), pp. 495-498, May 1998.
42 T. Kuroda, K. Suzuki, S. Mita, T. Fujita, F. Yamane, F. Sano, A. Chiba, Y. Watanabe, K. Matsuda, T. Maeda, T. Sakurai, and T. Furuyama,
"Variable supply-voltage scheme for low-power high-speed CMOS digital design,"
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits (JSSC), vol. 33, no. 3, pp. 454-462, Mar. 1998.
41 M. Takahashi, M. Hamada, T. Nishikawa, H. Arakida, Y. Tsuboi, T. Fujita, F. Hatori, S. Mita, K. Suzuki, A. Chiba, T. Terasawa, F. Sano, Y. Watanabe, H. Momose, K. Usami, M. Igarashi, T. Ishikawa, M. Kanazawa, and T. Kuroda,
"A 60mW MPEG4 Video Codec Using Clustered Voltage Scaling with Variable Supply-voltage Scheme,"
IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC'98), Dig. Tech. Papers, pp. 36-37, Feb. 1998.
40 桜井貴康, 黒田忠広,
"低電力CMOS LSI技術,"
ISS産業科学システムズ, pp. 1-33, Jan. 1998.
39 桜井貴康, 黒田忠広,
日本テクノセンター, pp. 1-39, Dec. 1997.
38 黒田忠広,
日本工業技術センター, pp. 38-60, Sep. 1997.
37 K. Suzuki, S. Mita, T. Fujita, F. Yamane, F. Sano, T. Sakurai, A. Chiba, Y. Watanabe, K. Matsuda, T. Maeda, and T. Kuroda,
"A 300MIPS/W RISC core processor with variable supply-voltage scheme in variable threshold-voltage CMOS,"
in Proc. IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference (CICC’97), pp. 587-590, May 1997.
36 黒田忠広, 桜井貴康,
"マルチメディアCMOS VLSIのための低電力回路設計技術(招待論文),"
電子情報通信学会論文誌A, vol. J80-A, no. 5, pp. 746-752, May 1997.
35 桜井貴康, 黒田忠広,
ISS産業科学システムズ, Apr. 1997.
34 黒田忠広,
日本工業技術センター, pp. 42-69, Jan. 1997.
33 桜井貴康, 黒田忠広,
日本テクノセンター, pp. 1-44, Dec. 1996.
32 T. Kuroda, T. Fujita, S. Mita, T. Nagamatu, S. Yoshioka, K. Suzuki, F. Sano, M. Norishima, M. Murota, M. Kako, M. Kinugawa, M. Kakumu, and T. Sakurai,
"A 0.9V 150MHz 10mW 4mm2 2-D discrete cosine transform core processor with variable-threshold-voltage scheme,"
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits (JSSC), vol. 31, no. 11, pp. 1770-1779, Nov. 1996.
31 T. Sakurai and T. Kuroda,
"Low-power circuit design for multimedia CMOS VLSI’s,"
in Proc. Synthesis and System Integration of Mixed Technologies (SASIMI’96), pp. 3-10, Nov. 1996.
30 T. Kuroda and T. Sakurai,
"Threshold-Voltage Control Schemes through Substrate-Bias for Low-Power High-Speed CMOS LSI Designs,"
Journal of VLSI Signal Processors, vol. 13, no. 2/3, pp. 191-201, Aug. 1996.
29 T. Kuroda, T. Fujita, S. Mita, T. Mori, K. Matsuo, M. Kakumu, and T. Sakurai,
"Substrate noise influence on circuit performance in variable threshold-voltage scheme,"
in Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design (ISLPED’96), pp. 309-312, Aug. 1996.
28 黒田忠広,
日本工業技術センター, pp. 1-23, Aug. 1996.
27 黒田忠広,
日本工業技術センター, pp. 24-44, Aug. 1996.
26 K. Suzuki, T. Kuroda, T. Fujita, S. Mita, T. Nagamatsu, S. Yoshioka, F. Sano, M. Norishima, M. Murota, M. Kako, M. Kinugawa, M. Kakumu, and T. Sakurai,
"A 0.9V 150MHz 10mW 4mm2 2-D discrete cosine transform core processor with variable-threshold-voltage (VT) scheme,"
in Proc. 4th International Workshop on Advanced LSI’s, pp. 150-158, July 1996.
25 桜井貴康, 黒田忠広,
電気学会 第43回半導体専門講座, pp. 1-32, July 1996.
24 T. Kuroda, T. Fujita, M. Noda, Y. Itabashi, S. Kabumoto, T. S. Wong, D. Beeson, and D. Gray,
"Capacitor-free level-sensitive active pull-down ECL circuit with self-adjusting driving capability,"
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits (JSSC), vol. 31, no. 6, pp. 819-827, June 1996.
23 K. Seki, Y. Unekawa, K. Sakue, T. Nakano, S. Yoshida, T. Nagamatsu, H. Nakakita, Y. Kaneko, M. Motoyama, Y. Ohba, K. Ise, M. Ono, K. Fujikawara, Y. Miyazawa, T. Kuroda, Y. Kamatani, T. Sakurai, and A. Kanuma,
"A 5Gb/s ATM Switch Element CMOS LSI Supporting 5 Quality-of-Service Classes with 200MHz LVDS Interface,"
Technical Report of IEICE, ED96-51, pp. 57-64, June 1996.
22 藤田哲也, 黒田忠広, 三田真二, 永松 徹, 吉岡晋一, 佐野文彦, 法島政之, 室田雅之, 加古真琴, 衣川正明, 各務正一, 桜井貴康,
"A 0.9V 150MHz 10mW 4mm2 2-D Discrete Cosine Transform Core Professor with Variable-Threshold-Voltage(VT) Scheme,"
電子情報通信学会 集積回路研究会 信学技法, ED96-49/SDM96-32/ICD96-52, pp. 43-48, June 1996.
21 Transform Core Professor with Variable-Threshold-Voltage (VT) Scheme,
電子情報通信学会 集積回路研究会 信学技法, ED96-49/SDM96-32/ICD96-52, pp. 43-48, June 1996.
20 T. Kuroda, T. Fujita, T. Nagamatu, S. Yoshioka, T. Sei, K. Matsuo, Y. Hamura, T. Mori, M. Murota, M. Kakumu, and T. Sakurai,
"A High-Speed Low-Power 0.3um CMOS Gate Array with Variable Threshold
Voltage (VT) Scheme,"
in Proc. IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference (CICC’96), pp. 53-56, May 1996.
19 黒田忠広,
日本工業技術センター, pp. 1-29, May 1996.
18 Y. Unekawa, K. Fukuda, K. Sakaue, T. Nakao, S. Yoshioka, T. Nagamatsu, H. Nakakita, Y. Kaneko, M. Motoyama, Y. Ohba, K. Ise, M. Ono, K. Fujiwara, Y. Miyazawa, T. Kuroda, Y. Kamitani, T. Sakurai, and A. Kanuma,
"A 5Gb/s 8 x 8 ATM Switch Element CMOS LSI Supporting Five Quality-of-Service Classes with 200MHz LVDS Interface,"
IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC'96), Dig. Tech. Papers, pp. 118-119, Feb. 1996.
17 T. Kuroda, T. Fujita, S. Mita, T. Nagamatu, S. Yoshioka, F. Sano, M. Norishima, M. Murota, M. Kako, M. Kinugawa, M. Kakumu, and T. Sakurai,
"A 0.9V 150MHz 10mW 4mm2 2-D Discrete Cosine Transform Core Processor with Variable-Threshold-Voltage Scheme,"
IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC'96), Dig. Tech. Papers, pp. 166-167, Feb. 1996.
16 黒田忠広,
日本工業技術センター, pp. 35-53, Nov. 1995.
15 T. Kuroda and T. Sakurai,
"Overview of low-power ULSI circuit techniques,"
IEICE Transactions. on Electronics, vol. E78-C, no. 4, pp. 334-344, Apr. 1995.
14 K. Seta, H. Hara, T. Kuroda, M. Kakumu, and T. Sakurai,
"50% Active Power Saving without Speed Degradation Using Standby Power Reduction (SPR) Circuit,"
IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC'95), Dig. Tech. Papers, pp. 318-319, Feb. 1995.
13 T. Kuroda, T. Fujita, Y. Itabashi, S. Kabumoto, M. Noda, and A. Kanuma,
"1.65Bb/s 60mW 4:1 Multiplexer and 1.8Gb/s 80mW 1:4 Demultiplexer ICs Using 2V 3-level Series Gating ECL Circuits,"
IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC'95), Dig. Tech. Papers, pp. 36-37, Feb. 1995.
12 黒田忠広,
日本工業技術センター, pp. 1-24, Nov. 1994.
11 黒田忠広,
日本工業技術センター, pp. 25-38, Nov. 1994.
10 T. Kuroda, Y. Sakata, and K. Matsuo,
"Analysis and optimization of BiCMOS gate circuits,"
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits (JSSC), vol. 29, no. 5, pp. 564-571, May 1994.
9 T. Kuroda, T. Fujita, M. Noda, P. Thai, L. Yang, and D. Gray,
"Capacitor-free level-sensitive active pull-down ECL circuit with self-adjusting driving capability,"
IEEE Symposium on VLSI Circuits, Dig. Tech. Papers, pp. 29-30, June 1993.
8 D. Gray, D. Beeson, B. Davis, D. Hutchings, P. Thai, T. S. Wong, T. Kuroda, M. Nakamura, and M. Noda,
"A 51k-gate low power ECL gate array family with metal-compiled and embedded SRAM,"
in Proc. IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference (CICC’93), pp. 23.4.1-23.4.4, May 1993.
7 T. Kuroda, T. Fukunaga, K. Matsuo, K. Kasai, A. Hirata, S. Fujii, M. Kimura, and H. Suzuki,
"Automated Bias Control (ABC) circuit for high-performance VLSI's,"
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits (JSSC), vol. 27, no. 4, pp. 641-648, Apr. 1992.
6 H. Hara, T. Sakurai, T. Nagamatsu, S. Kobayashi, K. Seta, H. Momose, Y. Niitsu, H. Miyakawa, T. Kuroda, K. Matsuda, Y. Watanabe, F. Sano, and A. Chiba,
"0.5um BiCMOS Standard-Cell Macros Including 0.5W 3ns Register File and 0.6W 5ns 32kB Cache,"
IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC'92), Dig. Tech. Papers, pp. 46-47, Feb. 1992.
5 T. Kuroda, Y. Sakata, and K. Matsuo,
"Analysis and optimization of BiCMOS gate circuits,"
in Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS’91), pp. 2112-2115, June 1991.
4 T. Kuroda, T. Fukunaga, K. Matsuo, K. Kasai, A. Hirata, S. Fujii, M. Kimura, and H. Suzuki,
"Automated Bias Control (ABC) circuit for high-performance VLSIs,"
IEEE Symposium on VLSI Circuits, Dig. Tech. Papers, pp. 15-16, June 1991.
3 T. Kuroda, H. Suzuki, H. Akiba, T. Aoki, T. Shigematsu, and K. Kawagai,
"Unified design methodology and device architecture for multi-generation ASIC applications,"
in Proc. IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference (CICC’88), pp. 25.7.1-25.7.4, May 1988.
2 G. Buurma, P. Michel, and T. Kuroda,
"A high performance scalable standard cell library with true second sourcing,"
Proc. IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference (CICC’87), pp. 241-244, May 1987.
1 T. Kuroda, H. Akiba, H. Suzuki, and T. Aoki,
"P-well/N-well compatible CMOS processing for ASIC applications,"
International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials (SSDM’86), Dig. Tech. Papers, pp. 57-60, Aug. 1986.